順位 | 説明 |
¥20,570 円
評価: 0
お得なセット販売はこちら特徴:一般書道用液学童から一般練習用に最適。半紙・機械漉画仙に適する。◆パッケージサイズ:W115×D275×H115mmA characteristic: It is most suitable for general exercises from a liquid schoolchild for the general calligraphy. I am suitable for standard size Japanese paper, a manufacturing paper excellent artist. ◆Package size: W115 X D275 X H115mmHow to order in shopping cart
¥6,570 円
評価: 0
お得なセット販売はこちら特徴:学童から一般練習用に最適。半紙・機械漉画仙に適する。商品仕様:◆一般書道用液◆パッケージサイズ:W75×D213×H45mmA characteristic: It is most suitable for general exercises from a schoolchild. I am suitable for standard size Japanese paper, a manufacturing paper excellent artist. Product specifications: ◆Liquid for the general calligraphy ◆Package size: W75 X D213 X H45mmHow to order in shopping cart
¥3,290 円
評価: 0
お得なセット販売はこちら特徴:学童から一般練習用に最適。半紙・機械漉画仙に適する。商品仕様:◆一般書道用液◆パッケージサイズ:W59×D161×H36mmA characteristic: It is most suitable for general exercises from a schoolchild. I am suitable for standard size Japanese paper, a manufacturing paper excellent artist. Product specifications: ◆Liquid for the general calligraphy ◆Package size: W59 X D161 X H36mmHow to order in shopping cart
¥22,040 円
評価: 0
お得なセット販売はこちら特徴:一般書道用液学童から一般練習用に最適。半紙・機械漉画仙に適する。◆パッケージサイズ:W115×D275×H115mmA characteristic: It is most suitable for general exercises from a liquid schoolchild for the general calligraphy. I am suitable for standard size Japanese paper, a manufacturing paper excellent artist. ◆Package size: W115 X D275 X H115mmHow to order in shopping cart
¥33,950 円
評価: 0
お得なセット販売はこちら特徴:墨の滲みや伸びがよく、色調は優雅で、乾きが早く、作品用として愛用されています。商品仕様:◆容量:400mlA characteristic: A blur and the growth of the sumi are good, and the color is elegant, and dehydration is early and is used habitually for work use. Product specifications: ◆Capacity: 400 mlHow to order in shopping cart
¥3,395 円
評価: 0
お得なセット販売はこちら特徴:墨の滲みや伸びがよく、色調は優雅で、乾きが早く、作品用として愛用されています。商品仕様:◆容量:400mlFeatures: Ink bleeding, growth in elegant colours, dries quickly, is favored for the work. Product specifications: ◆ capacity: 400 mlHow to order in shopping cart