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¥1,120 円
評価: 0
Iridescent Electric Blue 12ml - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor Stick SKU: 284670053 Pigment: PW 20, PW 6 | Series: Stick Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 1-Non-Staining Granulation: Granulating Iridescent Electric Blue is our most bright, vibrant Luminescent ? it is the color of sun striking the blue tones of peacock feathers. Iridescent watercolors, part of the DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolors collection, reflect light, causing it to scatter, and their transparent quality adds a fascinating sense of depth to your work. Why choose Luminescent Watercolors? Because Nature has optical surprises in the colors that you see in birds’ feathers, insects, fish, and seashells, many flowers also have a pearly, dewy sheen to them. Consider the iridescence of a snail’s trail or a silvery spider’s web. Other things that also have a sparkle, or glow depending on the light, a silvery or golden moon, clouds aglow at sunset, rainbows, the sparkle of snow and ice, and glint of water reflections. Don’t forget the sheen of metals like pewter, copper, silver, and gold. There are also mythic subjects that are often thought of as having a special iridescence to them such as fairies, dragons, mermaids and other fantasy figures. DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolors add that touch of special color found in nature that regular colors cannot match. They’re made from mica pigment, thin transparent particles coated with highly reflective metal oxides. Luminescent Watercolors show best as glazes over darker colors and are excellent mixed with other colors adding a bit of their luminescent glow.
¥1,320 円
評価: 0
Iridescent Sapphire 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolor SKU: 284640033 Pigment: PW 20, PW 6 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 1-Non-Staining Granulation: Granulating Iridescent Sapphire is a shadowy neutral from one angle that bursts into a brilliant metallic violet when the light hits it from another. Iridescent watercolors, part of the DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolors collection, reflect light, causing it to scatter, and their transparent quality adds a fascinating sense of depth to your work. Why choose Luminescent Watercolors? Because Nature has optical surprises in the colors that you see in birds’ feathers, insects, fish, and seashells, many flowers also have a pearly, dewy sheen to them. Consider the iridescence of a snail's trail or a silvery spider's web. Other things that also have a sparkle, or glow depending on the light, a silvery or golden moon, clouds aglow at sunset, rainbows, the sparkle of snow and ice, and glint of water reflections. Don’t forget the sheen of metals like pewter, copper, silver, and gold. There are also mythic subjects that are often thought of as having a special iridescence to them such as fairies, dragons, mermaids and other fantasy figures. DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolors add that touch of special color found in nature that regular colors cannot match. They're made from mica pigment, thin transparent particles coated with highly reflective metal oxides. Luminescent Watercolors show best as glazes over darker colors and are excellent mixed with other colors adding a bit of their luminescent glow.
¥1,320 円
評価: 0
Iridescent Sunstone 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolor SKU: 284640022 Pigment: PW 20, PW 6 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 1-Non-Staining Granulation: Granulating Iridescent Sunstone is a soft metallic pink with a glimmering gold surface. Iridescent watercolors, part of the DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolors collection, reflect light, causing it to scatter, and their transparent quality adds a fascinating sense of depth to your work. Why choose Luminescent Watercolors? Because Nature has optical surprises in the colors that you see in birds’ feathers, insects, fish, and seashells, many flowers also have a pearly, dewy sheen to them. Consider the iridescence of a snail's trail or a silvery spider's web. Other things that also have a sparkle, or glow depending on the light, a silvery or golden moon, clouds aglow at sunset, rainbows, the sparkle of snow and ice, and glint of water reflections. Don’t forget the sheen of metals like pewter, copper, silver, and gold. There are also mythic subjects that are often thought of as having a special iridescence to them such as fairies, dragons, mermaids and other fantasy figures. DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolors add that touch of special color found in nature that regular colors cannot match. They're made from mica pigment, thin transparent particles coated with highly reflective metal oxides. Luminescent Watercolors show best as glazes over darker colors and are excellent mixed with other colors adding a bit of their luminescent glow.
¥1,880 円
評価: 0
Viridian 195 Watercolor Paint Pigment Composition - Hydrous Chromium Sesquioxide (PG 18) Lightfast Rating - Excellent - LF I Opacity Rating - Transparent Staining/Granulating - Granulating Size - .5 oz Viridian is a clean emerald green, more subtle than Phthalocyanine Green. Very transparent and granulating.
¥1,320 円
評価: 0
Iridescent Electric Blue 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolor SKU: 284640027 Pigment: PW 20, PW 6 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 1-Non-Staining Granulation: Granulating Iridescent Electric Blue is our most bright, vibrant Luminescent - it is the color of sun striking the blue tones of peacock feathers. Iridescent watercolors, part of the DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolors collection, reflect light, causing it to scatter, and their transparent quality adds a fascinating sense of depth to your work. Why choose Luminescent Watercolors? Because Nature has optical surprises in the colors that you see in birds’ feathers, insects, fish, and seashells, many flowers also have a pearly, dewy sheen to them. Consider the iridescence of a snail's trail or a silvery spider's web. Other things that also have a sparkle, or glow depending on the light, a silvery or golden moon, clouds aglow at sunset, rainbows, the sparkle of snow and ice, and glint of water reflections. Don’t forget the sheen of metals like pewter, copper, silver, and gold. There are also mythic subjects that are often thought of as having a special iridescence to them such as fairies, dragons, mermaids and other fantasy figures. DANIEL SMITH Luminescent Watercolors add that touch of special color found in nature that regular colors cannot match. They're made from mica pigment, thin transparent particles coated with highly reflective metal oxides. Luminescent Watercolors show best as glazes over darker colors and are excellent mixed with other colors adding a bit of their luminescent glow.
¥1,870 円
評価: 0
容量:40mL 規格:サイズ9号 品番:061 シリーズD 耐光性★★★★★ 透明性:半透明 乾燥日数:2日 使用顔料:PG18 クサカベ油絵具は、厳選された原料を使い、手間と時間を惜しまずに作った、やや硬さを持った絵具です。 筆のタッチを生かした様々なマチエール作りにも適している「色」と「練り」にこだわった専門家用油絵具です。
¥1,045 円
評価: 0
容量:20mL 規格:サイズ6号 品番:061 シリーズD 耐光性★★★★★ 透明性:半透明 乾燥日数:2日 使用顔料:PG18 クサカベ油絵具は、厳選された原料を使い、手間と時間を惜しまずに作った、やや硬さを持った絵具です。 筆のタッチを生かした様々なマチエール作りにも適している「色」と「練り」にこだわった専門家用油絵具です。
¥1,250 円
評価: 0
ぺんてる えのぐ エフ水彩ポリチューブ入り ビリジアン WFCT18(10セット)特徴:片手で開け閉めできるワンタッチ細口と1回転で楽に開閉できる太口の2wayキャップ。商品仕様:◆内容:12ml◆材質:チューブ:再生PEキャップ:再生PP箱:再生紙A characteristic: The 2way cap of the large mouth which I can open and close at one-touch narrow opening and 1 round that I open with one hand and close it, and there is easily. Product specifications: ◆Contents: 12 ml ◆Materials: A tube: A reproduction PE cap: A reproduction PP box: Regenerated paperHow to order in shopping cart
¥1,340 円
評価: 0
Watercolor Ground Iridescent Gold 4oz - DANIEL SMITH SKU: 284055012 DANIEL SMITH Iridescent Gold Watercolor Ground allows you to paint watercolors on any surface and gives you a beautiful, iridescent gold surface to paint on! The ground makes a luminous gold paintable area when applied to a white surface, and because it is semi-transparent, it allows the color and/or pattern of the surface it is applied onto to show slightly through the iridescent gold sheen. For deepest gold, apply 2 to 3 thin coats of the Iridescent Gold Watercolor Ground. Your transparent and semi-transparent watercolors will add a glaze of color when painted over the Iridescent Gold Ground modifying their color. You can paint over an entire surface with the ground or only in areas that you wish to add iridescent gold effects, perhaps using the other DANIEL SMITH Watercolor Grounds in the other areas if you are not applying it to watercolor paper.
¥1,640 円
評価: 0
Viridian 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600112 Pigment: PG 18 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 1-Non-Staining Granulation: Granulating Seldom used at full tube strength, this transparent, non-staining pigment is an excellent glazing pigment and a portrait painter's essential. It's a cool blue-green useful in mixing without staining other pigment particles and for soft edges in florals. It is the secret hidden ingredient in Moonglow. Viridian can quickly modify reds, and in combination with the Quinacridones, its versatility has multiplied.