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¥1,273 円

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瘋ChatGPT:顛覆未來,OpenAI翻轉人工智慧新紀元【電子書籍】[ Kevin Chen(陳根) ]


<p><strong>ChatGPT具備了類人的邏輯、思考與溝通的能力</strong><br /> <strong>並擁有一定的記憶能力,能?進行連續對話</strong><br /> <strong>用?量増長速度最快的消費級應用程式</strong></p> <p>目前,ChatGPT已經突破了1億月活用?量,在全球範圍?掀起了一股衝?波,引發了中國、美國人工智慧?業的爆發,並震盪了資本市場。</p> <p>ChatGPT具有成熟乃至驚人的理解和創作能力,不僅可以寫程式、寫劇本、詞曲創作,還能?與人類對答如流,並充分體現出自己的辯證分析能力。ChatGPT甚至會主動質疑不正確的前提和假設,承認錯誤以及回答無法回答的問題,拒?不合理的問題。</p> <p>ChatGPT實現了人工智慧從量變到質變的過程,一場新的AI革命已經到來ーー本書正是立基於此,以ChatGPT為主題,介紹了ChatGPT的誕生和爆發,以及ChatGPT成功背後的技術路線。</p> <p>ChatGPT的出現,預示著一個真正的人工智慧時代已經開?,人機協作的時代正在加速到來。本書文字表達通俗易?,易於理解,富於趣味,?容上深入淺出,循序漸進,能?助讀者瞭解突然爆發的ChatGPT,並在紛繁的資訊中梳理出認識人工智慧行業變革以及即將到來的通用人工智慧時代的線索。</p> <p>人工智慧不僅是當今時代的科技標籤,它所引導的科技變革更是在雕刻著這個時代,而我們需要有所準備。</p> <p>本書不僅適合人工智慧領域的研究者、開發者和愛好者?讀,也適合廣大讀者了解ChatGPT所帶來的機遇與挑戰,體驗人工智慧帶來的無限可能。無論?是誰,本書都將為?帶來意想不到的?示。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥2,537 円

評価: 0

ChatGPT Writing The Ultimate Guide to Using AI for Faster, Better, and More Profitable Nonfiction Books【電子書籍】[ Steffan Jensen ]


<p>〓 Introducing ChatGPT Writing: The Definitive Guide〓</p> <p>Looking to improve your writing skills with ChatGPT, the popular language model chatbot? Our new non-fiction ebook, "ChatGPT Writing: The Definitive Guide", is the ultimate resource for using ChatGPT and other language model chatbots to achieve writing success in your personal and professional life.</p> <p>In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about ChatGPT Writing, including how it works, the different ways it can be used, and strategies for maximizing its value and effectiveness. You'll also discover the power of promptology, the study of maximizing the value of chatbots through high-quality prompts.</p> <p>Don't miss out on the opportunity to improve your writing skills and efficiency with ChatGPT. Get your hands on this valuable resource today for just $3.99 and start using ChatGPT to achieve success in your writing. Order now and get instant access to this essential information.</p> <p>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>? In "ChatGPT Writing: The Definitive Guide", you'll discover:</p> <p>? What ChatGPT Writing is and its limitations<br /> ? How ChatGPT and other language model chatbots can improve your writing<br /> ? The various ways ChatGPT Writing can be used in personal and professional settings<br /> ? Strategies for maximizing the value and effectiveness of ChatGPT Writing<br /> ? The principles of promptology and how to use high-quality prompts to maximize the value of ChatGPT Writing<br /> ? Tips and tricks for getting the most out of ChatGPT and other language model chatbots for writing</p> <p>Don't miss out on the opportunity to improve your writing skills and efficiency with ChatGPT. Get instant access to our comprehensive guide, "ChatGPT Writing: The Definitive Guide", for one low price. Learn everything you need to know about ChatGPT Writing, including how it works, the different ways it can be used, and strategies for maximizing its value and effectiveness.</p> <p>Buy now and start using ChatGPT to achieve success in your writing.</p> <p>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>〓〓What is ChatGPT Writing?</p> <p>??ChatGPT Writing is an AI-powered writing tool that uses natural language processing to help improve your writing skills.<br /> ??It utilizes a deep learning architecture called a transformer to generate human-like text, making it an essential tool for writers of all levels.<br /> ??ChatGPT Writing has been trained on a massive dataset of text, allowing it to understand and respond to a wide range of writing topics and prompts.<br /> ??It can be used for various writing applications such as writing prompts, brainstorming, and editing.<br /> ??ChatGPT Writing can be fine-tuned for specific writing styles and genres, making it a versatile tool for writers, bloggers, and content creators.</p> <p>〓 What others are saying about ChatGPT:<br /> ?? "ChatGPT is as significant as the invention of the internet...this will change the world." ~Bill Gates<br /> ?? "ChatGPT is scary good. We are not far from dangerously strong AI." ~Elon Musk<br /> ?? "There's a certain feeling that happens when a new technology adjusts your thinking about computing... OpenAI is doing it with ChatGPT." ~Aaron Levie<br /> ?? "ChatGPT is a powerful language model that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with and utilize artificial intelligence in our daily lives." ~ChatGPT</p> <p>Buy your copy of the ChatGPT Writing today!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥4,611 円

評価: 0

Developing Apps with GPT-4 and ChatGPT【電子書籍】[ Olivier Caelen ]


<p>This minibook is a comprehensive guide for Python developers who want to learn how to build applications with large language models. Authors Olivier Caelen and Marie-Alice Blete cover the main features and benefits of GPT-4 and ChatGPT and explain how they work. You'll also get a step-by-step guide for developing applications using the GPT-4 and ChatGPT Python library, including text generation, Q&A, and content summarization tools.</p> <p>Written in clear and concise language, <em>Developing Apps with GPT-4 and ChatGPT</em> includes easy-to-follow examples to help you understand and apply the concepts to your projects. Python code examples are available in a GitHub repository, and the book includes a glossary of key terms. Ready to harness the power of large language models in your applications? This book is a must.</p> <p>You'll learn:</p> <ul> <li>The fundamentals and benefits of ChatGPT and GPT-4 and how they work</li> <li>How to integrate these models into Python-based applications for NLP tasks</li> <li>How to develop applications using GPT-4 or ChatGPT APIs in Python for text generation, question answering, and content summarization, among other tasks</li> <li>Advanced GPT topics including prompt engineering, fine-tuning models for specific tasks, plug-ins, LangChain, and more</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥2,206 円

評価: 0

圖解資料結構 × 演算法:運用 Python 結合 ChatGPT 輔助驗證及寫程式【電子書籍】[ 胡昭民 ]


<p><strong>AI再進化!</strong></p> <p><strong>使用ChatGPT高效率生成Python程式碼</strong></p> <p>資料結構是電腦科學領域中一門極為重要的基礎課程,對於從事資訊相關工作的專業人員而言,它具有不可忽視的價?。無論是在學術考試還是實際應用中,對資料結構的深入理解都至關重要。然而,對初學者而言,理解資料結構中的理論和演算法可能會帶來困難和挫折感。</p> <p>本書的獨特之處在於使用豐富的圖例解釋相對複雜的理論,並以簡潔明瞭的方式詮釋資料結構理論。從基礎的概念開始,逐?使用Python語言解釋陣列、堆疊、鏈結串列、佇列、樹?結構、圖形、排序、搜尋等重要主題。附?中整理了資料結構相關的專有名詞,並提供了重要演算法的介紹和實作範例。</p> <p>本書以簡潔有力、邏輯清晰的方式優化文句表達,並特別收集了大量習題,以確保讀者掌握各章節的學習成果。演算法節點盡量使用Python程式碼展示,而非?擬碼形式。此外,本書還會展示由 ChatGPT生成的程式碼。我們相信,Chat GPT生成的程式碼具有簡潔性和精簡性,並能?提供更好的解決方案。</p> <p>【本書特色】<br /> ? 完整的?容結構和清晰的邏輯,豐富的圖例解?提高可讀性。<br /> ? 使用Python語言實作資料結構理論,並透過範例程式碼深入解析。<br /> ? 參?國家考試題型設計難易適中的習題,立即檢驗學習效果。<br /> ? 附?彙整出資料結構相關的專有名詞,方便?詢加深學習印象。</p> <p>【特別提供】<br /> ChatGPT 生成程式碼<br /> 可與人工編寫程式碼相互比較作為參考!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥1,794 円

評価: 0

ChatGPT For Dummies【電子書籍】[ Pam Baker ]


<p><strong>Learn how the disruptive AI chatbot is going to change school, work, and beyond</strong></p> <p><em>ChatGPT For Dummies</em> demystifies the artificial intelligence tool that can answer questions, write essays, and generate just about any kind of text it’s asked for. This powerful example of generative AI is widely predicted to upend education and business. In this book, you’ll learn how ChatGPT works and how you can operate it in a way that yields satisfactory results. You’ll also explore the ethics of using AI-generated content for various purposes. Written by a journalist who's been on the front lines of artificial intelligence for over a decade, this book dives deep into ChatGPT’s potential, so you can make informed decisionsーwithout asking ChatGPT for help.</p> <ul> <li>Learn how ChatGPT works and how it fits into the world of generative AI</li> <li>Harness the power of ChatGPT to help you, and avoid letting it hinder you</li> <li>Write queries that deliver the kind of response you want</li> <li>Take a look into how the ChatGPT API interacts with other tools and platforms</li> </ul> <p>This just-in-time Dummies title is perfect for any life or career may be impacted by ChatGPT and other AI. ChatGPT is just the tip of the iceberg, and this book can help you prepare for the future.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥2,206 円

評価: 0

AI世代必備!Python×ChatGPT高效率工作術:從網路爬蟲到?公室自動化超實務【電子書籍】[ 陳會安 ]


<p><strong>最全面的 ChatGPT × Python 應用手冊!</strong></p> <p><strong>AI 詠唱寫程式,打造超快速自動化技巧!</strong></p> <p>學會對 AI 下指令,提升工作效能!<br /> ChatGPT 詠唱技巧+資料?取術+?公室自動化</p> <p>本書將帶?學會「網路爬蟲」和「?公室自動化」的 Python 程式設計,並結合使用 ChatGPT 指令和提示,寫出各種不同應用的 Python 程式,成為 AI 指令達人。</p> <p>本書介紹了網路爬蟲的流程到實作,首先分析 HTML 網頁結構及標籤,將資料?取下來後進行資料處理與轉換,接著實際爬取天氣、電影、電商網頁。?外,本書的職場自動化技巧,包含彙整 Excel 資料、製作統計圖表、批次命名及移動圖片、自動寄開會通知信,讓?輕鬆駕馭日常工作,建立全方位的自動化?公室!</p> <p>23 個自動化範例 + 8 個套件 = 活用資料?取術、節省繁瑣工作</p> <p>?將學會:<br /> ● 取得、剖析和?取網頁資料<br /> ● 將爬取的資料轉為 Excel ?案<br /> ● 用 ChatGPT 寫網路爬蟲程式,?取不同類型的資料<br /> ● 使用 openpyxl 和 pandas 繪製圖表<br /> ● 自動建立與編輯 Word、PPT ?容<br /> ● 撰寫客?回應信件、?生 PDF 報表<br /> ● 寫出 SQLite / MySQL 資料庫程式<br /> ● 串接 ChatGPT API,讓?在 LINE 使用 AI 聊天機器人</p> <p>適合讀者:<br /> 本書適合想要快速學會 Python 和 ChatGPT 詠唱的程式新手,也適合對資料處理、資料分析與資料視覺化有需求的從業人員。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥2,537 円

評価: 0

500+ Ultimate ChatGPT Prompts To Copy Paste & Fuel Your Growth | Best ChatGPT Prompts | ChatGPT Cheat Sheet | AI Prompts【電子書籍】[ Steffan Jensen ]


<p>Introducing the ultimate writing resource to elevate your craft ? the Best <strong>ChatGPT Prompts</strong> Ready-To-Use digital download. This collection of over 500+ ChatGPT prompts is carefully crafted to enhance your writing skills, boost your creativity, and save valuable time. With a user-friendly Google Sheets format, you can easily access the prompts from any device.</p> <p><strong>What sets us apart:</strong></p> <p>- A comprehensive digital download of over 500+ ChatGPT prompts<br /> - A one-time payment for unlimited access to all prompts<br /> - A diverse range of ready-to-use prompts covering a vast array of topics<br /> - A user-friendly PDF format that's easy to navigate<br /> - Time-efficient, with no effort required to generate ideas</p> <p>Benefits:</p> <p>- Elevate your writing skills and unlock your full creative potential<br /> - Save valuable time and effort with our ready-to-use prompts<br /> - Enjoy access to a diverse range of prompts covering various topics<br /> - One-time payment for unlimited access to all prompts</p> <p><strong>Usage:</strong></p> <p>Our Best ChatGPT Prompts Ready-To-Use digital download is suitable for a wide range of writing projects, including blogs, articles, essays, and more. The prompts cover various topics such as business, career, email marketing, copywriting, excel, Google ads, and more. Simply download the file and start using the prompts to generate ideas for your writing.</p> <p><strong>Quality Assurance:</strong></p> <p>Our advanced AI technology ensures that all ChatGPT prompts are of the highest quality and relevance. We have conducted extensive testing to ensure that our prompts are error-free and easy to use.</p> <p><strong>Customer Reviews:</strong></p> <p>"I have been using ChatGPT prompts for a while, and I have seen tremendous improvement in my writing. The prompts have helped me come up with unique ideas, and my writing has become more exciting." - Emil.</p> <p>"I am in love with the Best ChatGPT Prompts Ready-To-Use digital download. It's easy to use, and the prompts cover a wide range of topics. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their writing skills." - Christian.</p> <p><strong>Action:</strong></p> <p>Maximize your writing potential today by downloading the Best ChatGPT Prompts Ready-To-Use digital download. With over 500+ prompts at your fingertips, you will never run out of ideas again! Don't miss our limited-time special bonus offer ? get it while you can.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥2,537 円

評価: 0

Mastering ChatGPT A Comprehensive Guide to Prompt Engineering【電子書籍】[ Steffan Jensen ]


<p>Unlock the full potential of ChatGPT with this comprehensive guide to ChatGPT Prompting and Mastering. This guide is the perfect resource for anyone looking to elevate their ChatGPT conversations, whether you're a beginner or an advanced user. By mastering the art of constructing clear and concise ChatGPT prompts, you'll gain the skills and knowledge needed to engage your audience and deliver exceptional ChatGPT experiences.</p> <p><strong>Inside this guide, you'll find everything you need to know about ChatGPT and ChatGPT Prompting, including:</strong></p> <p>A comprehensive overview of the ChatGPT technology and its capabilities, including its advanced language processing algorithms, its deep learning models, and its ability to generate human-like text with stunning accuracy.<br /> Proven techniques and tools for crafting effective ChatGPT prompts that engage and inform your audience. You'll learn how to create prompts that are optimized for ChatGPT, including the use of keywords, question types, and sentence structure, and you'll see how to refine and improve your prompts over time.</p> <p>Step-by-step guidance and practical examples to help you master the art of ChatGPT prompting. With clear and concise instructions, you'll learn how to create prompts that are relevant, effective, and engaging, and you'll see how to apply these techniques in real-world scenarios.</p> <p>The latest updates and industry insights to stay ahead of the competition. Stay informed about the latest trends, best practices, and emerging technologies in the ChatGPT world, and gain the competitive edge you need to succeed.<br /> And much more!</p> <p>Take your ChatGPT conversations to the next level with this comprehensive guide to ChatGPT Prompting and Mastering. With easy-to-follow instructions, practical examples, and expert tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to becoming a ChatGPT expert in no time. Get your copy today and start mastering ChatGPT prompts and take your conversations to the next level!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥7,748 円

評価: 0

Transformers for Natural Language Processing Build, train, and fine-tune deep neural network architectures for NLP with Python, Hugging Face, and OpenAI's GPT-3, ChatGPT, and GPT-4【電子書籍】[ Denis Rothman ]


<p><b>OpenAI's GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Hugging Face transformers for language tasks in one book. Get a taste of the future of transformers, including computer vision tasks and code writing and assistance. Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF format</b></p><h2>Key Features</h2><ul><li>Improve your productivity with OpenAI’s ChatGPT and GPT-4 from prompt engineering to creating and analyzing machine learning models</li><li>Pretrain a BERT-based model from scratch using Hugging Face</li><li>Fine-tune powerful transformer models, including OpenAI's GPT-3, to learn the logic of your data</li></ul><h2>Book Description</h2>Transformers are...well...transforming the world of AI. There are many platforms and models out there, but which ones best suit your needs? Transformers for Natural Language Processing, 2nd Edition, guides you through the world of transformers, highlighting the strengths of different models and platforms, while teaching you the problem-solving skills you need to tackle model weaknesses. You'll use Hugging Face to pretrain a RoBERTa model from scratch, from building the dataset to defining the data collator to training the model. If you're looking to fine-tune a pretrained model, including GPT-3, then Transformers for Natural Language Processing, 2nd Edition, shows you how with step-by-step guides. The book investigates machine translations, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, question-answering, and many more NLP tasks. It provides techniques to solve hard language problems and may even help with fake news anxiety (read chapter 13 for more details). You'll see how cutting-edge platforms, such as OpenAI, have taken transformers beyond language into computer vision tasks and code creation using DALL-E 2, ChatGPT, and GPT-4. By the end of this book, you'll know how transformers work and how to implement them and resolve issues like an AI detective.<h2>What you will learn</h2><ul><li>Discover new techniques to investigate complex language problems</li><li>Compare and contrast the results of GPT-3 against T5, GPT-2, and BERT-based transformers</li><li>Carry out sentiment analysis, text summarization, casual speech analysis, machine translations, and more using TensorFlow, PyTorch, and GPT-3</li><li>Find out how ViT and CLIP label images (including blurry ones!) and create images from a sentence using DALL-E</li><li>Learn the mechanics of advanced prompt engineering for ChatGPT and GPT-4</li></ul><h2>Who this book is for</h2><p>If you want to learn about and apply transformers to your natural language (and image) data, this book is for you. You'll need a good understanding of Python and deep learning and a basic understanding of NLP to benefit most from this book. Many platforms covered in this book provide interactive user interfaces, which allow readers with a general interest in NLP and AI to follow several chapters. And don't worry if you get stuck or have questions; this book gives you direct access to our AI/ML community to help guide you on your transformers journey!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥1,600 円

評価: 0

The ChatGPT Chronicles: When AI Meets Humanity【電子書籍】[ Omar Johnson ]


<p>Dive into a realm where the boundaries between artificial intelligence and human experiences blur. <strong>"The ChatGPT Chronicles: When AI Meets Humanity"</strong> offers readers an immersive journey across diverse global landscapes, unveiling the intricate dance between man and machine.</p> <p>From entrepreneurs in bustling metropolises to architects shaping the skylines of tomorrow, this anthology of stories paints a vivid tapestry of human dreams, endeavors, and aspirationsーall touched by the digital genius of ChatGPT. Each tale is a testament to the transformative potential of AI, woven with the rich threads of cultural traditions, personal challenges, and professional triumphs.</p> <p>Beyond the narratives, delve deep into thought-provoking discussions on AI's role in shaping our world. Ponder the ethical dilemmas, societal shifts, and the profound impact of digital companions on our shared global heritage.</p> <p><strong>200 Prompts Inside!</strong></p> <p>And for those eager to embark on their own AI journey, an appendix awaits with 200 meticulously curated prompts to guide and inspire. Plus, an exclusive offering stands ready to fast-track your path to success in this burgeoning digital age.</p> <p><strong>"The ChatGPT Chronicles"</strong> is not just a testament to the presentーit's a beckoning gateway to the future. Are you ready to witness the symphony of humanity and AI?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

    1-10   11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   >  >>