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¥1,496 円
評価: 0
TUTTLE STUDIO TUTTLE PUBLISHING(JP)日本 ISBN:9780804857338 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他)
¥1,744 円
評価: 0
<p>Henri Fantin-Latour, n? en 1836, mort en 1904. Il entre ? l'?cole des beaux-arts en 1854. Il a pour condisciple Edgar Degas. En 1861, il fr?quente l'atelier de Gustave Courbet. Membre du C?nacle des Batignolles d'o? naitra l’Impressionnisme, FantinLatourr?nove le portrait collectif avec de grands tableaux-manifestes : Hommage ? Delacroix, 1864 ; Un atelier aux Batignolles, hommage ? Manet, 1870 ; Un coin de table, hommage aux po?tes parnassiens, 1872, dont Verlaine et Rimbaud ; 1885 Autour du piano, hommage aux musiciens. Poss?dez par la Passion de la musique : de Berlioz, Schumann et Wagner, FantinLatour la transcrit dans ces peintures, Il est l’ami de Manet, Verlaine. Ses ?uvres les plus c?l?bres : Autoportrait ? 17 ans, Lille, palais des beaux-arts, Hommage ? Delacroix, (1864), Paris, mus?e d'OrsayUn atelier aux Batignolles, (1870), Paris, mus?e d'Orsay, Un coin de table, (1872), Paris, mus?e d'Orsay, Trois filles du Rhin 1876, Paris, mus?e d'Orsay, Baigneuses 1879, mus?e des beaux-arts de Lyon, Autour du piano, (1885), Paris, mus?e d'Orsay, La Famille Dubourg (1887), Paris, mus?e d'Orsay.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥1,744 円
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<p>Paul Gauguin was first a sailor, then a successful stockbroker in Paris. In 1874 he began to paint at weekends as a Sunday painter. Nine years later, after a stock-market crash, he felt confident of his ability to earn a living for his family by painting and he resigned his position and took up the painter’s brush full time. Following the lead of C?zanne, Gauguin painted still-lifes from the very beginning of his artistic career. He even owned a still-life by C?zanne, which is shown in Gauguin’s painting Portrait of Marie Lagadu. The year 1891 was crucial for Gauguin. In that year he left France for Tahiti, where he stayed till 1893. This stay in Tahiti determined his future life and career, for in 1895, after a sojourn in France, he returned there for good. In Tahiti, Gauguin discovered primitive art, with its flat forms and violent colours, belonging to an untamed nature. With absolute sincerity, he transferred them onto his canvas. His paintings from then on reflected this style: a radical simplification of drawing; brilliant, pure, bright colours; an ornamental type composition; and a deliberate flatness of planes. Gauguin termed this style “synthetic symbolism”.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥1,291 円
評価: 0
<p>She can picture it already: Alex, laughing as he tells her how no one believes his mother invented Pep Talk Paul, the app that saved the world. And she’ll assure him that it’s true, but she won’t tell him it’s also the reason she gets to be his mother, because by then he won’t remember that there was a time when someone else was. Set on a Newfoundland ferry and written by the narrator Pauline from an imagined future perspective where she is wealthy and successfulーand a good motherーNo Wake Zone is the story of a young woman and an old man realizing a deep affinity for one another, and a timely exploration of the nature of guilt and hope, of responsibility and tenacity, and of connection with self, others, and technology. In the end it reminds us that we’re all flawed, but that we’re also all heroic.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥1,744 円
評価: 0
<p>Goya is perhaps the most approachable of painters. His art, like his life, is an open book. He concealed nothing from his contemporaries, and offered his art to them with the same frankness. The entrance to his world is not barricaded with technical difficulties. He proved that if a man has the capacity to live and multiply his experiences, to fight and work, he can produce great art without classical decorum and traditional respectability. He was born in 1746, in Fuendetodos, a small mountain village of a hundred inhabitants. As a child he worked in the fields with his two brothers and his sister until his talent for drawing put an end to his misery. At fourteen, supported by a wealthy patron, he went to Saragossa to study with a court painter and later, when he was nineteen, on to Madrid. Up to his thirty-seventh year, if we leave out of account the tapestry cartoons of unheralded decorative quality and five small pictures, Goya painted nothing of any significance, but once in control of his refractory powers, he produced masterpieces with the speed of Rubens. His court appointment was followed by a decade of incessant activity ? years of painting and scandal, with intervals of bad health. Goya’s etchings demonstrate a draughtsmanship of the first rank. In paint, like Vel?zquez, he is more or less dependent on the model, but not in the detached fashion of the expert in still-life. If a woman was ugly, he made her a despicable horror; if she was alluring, he dramatised her charm. He preferred to finish his portraits at one sitting and was a tyrant with his models. Like Vel?zquez, he concentrated on faces, but he drew his heads cunningly, and constructed them out of tones of transparent greys. Monstrous forms inhabit his black-and-white world: these are his most profoundly deliberated productions. His fantastic figures, as he called them, fill us with a sense of ignoble joy, aggravate our devilish instincts and delight us with the uncharitable ecstasies of destruction. His genius attained its highest point in his etchings on the horrors of war. When placed beside the work of Goya, other pictures of war pale into sentimental studies of cruelty. He avoided the scattered action of the battlefield, and confined himself to isolated scenes of butchery. Nowhere else did he display such mastery of form and movement, such dramatic gestures and appalling effects of light and darkness. In all directions Goya renewed and innovated.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥2,608 円
評価: 0
古本倶楽部 楽天市場店
著者:Pokluda出版社:Baker Booksサイズ:ペーパーバックISBN-10:080109495XISBN-13:9780801094958■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 出荷まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■1冊から送料無料です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い: 使用されてはいますが、 非常にきれいな状態です。 書き込みや線引きはありません。・良い: 比較的綺麗な状態の商品です。 ページやカバーに欠品はありません。 文章を読むのに支障はありません。・可: 文章が問題なく読める状態の商品です。 マーカーやペンで書込があることがあります。 商品の傷みがある場合があります。基本的に付録・付属品等付いていない状態です。
¥8,182 円
評価: 0
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¥1,509 円
評価: 0
<p><strong>Du triffst sie. Du vertraust ihr. Du gehst ihr in die Falle.</strong></p> <p>Claire finanziert ihr Schauspielstudium mit einem lukrativen Nebenjob: F?r Geld flirtet sie mit verheirateten M?nnern, deren Ehefrauen wissen wollen, ob sie ihnen wirklich treu sind. Doch die Frau von Patrick Fogler ist nicht nur misstrauisch ? in ihren Augen liest Claire Angst. Und am Morgen nach Patricks und Claires Begegnung ist sie tot. Die Polizei verd?chtigt den Witwer, und Claire soll helfen ihn zu ?berf?hren ? wenn sie nicht will, dass die Polizei herausfindet, was sie selbst in der Mordnacht getan hat. Doch Patrick wirkt nicht nur be?ngstigend und undurchschaubar, er fasziniert Claire. Und sie ahnt: Sie muss die Rolle ihres Lebens spielen ...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥1,856 円
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<p>Twenty-something guitarist Aksel stutters when he sings, and the latest reviews say he has the voice of a crow with throat plague. That’s not a compliment, even for the avant-garde music his band Perkeros plays. Aksel is having a hard time keeping the band together, stopping his girlfriend from kicking him out, and not getting eaten by his drummer (who happens to be a cranky brown bear). There are also the rival bands that Perkeros find themselves in battle with to save the city from supernatural forces set loose by ancient music. The key to it all could be in the music Aksel hears in his dreamsーif it doesn’t drive him mad first. With a visual soundtrack that blasts off the page, <em>Sing No Evil</em> is a wild ride through otherworldly dangers and the power of pure rock’n’roll.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥1,617 円
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<p>Depois de anos de sucesso crescente, David JP Phillips entrou em depress?o. Meteu-se na cama. Passou o ver?o a chorar. Um dia, quando passeava com a mulher numa paisagem buc?lica, sentiu-se profundamente feliz. Foi um sentimento ef?mero, mas forte o suficiente para o lan?ar numa procura desenfreada por respostas. Porque ? que se tinha sentido t?o bem? Como poderia voltar a sentir-se assim? Como prolongar a felicidade? A resposta est? neste livro. Na sequ?ncia de intensas pesquisas, David percebeu que, das cerca de cinquenta hormonas que o nosso corpo produz naturalmente, h? seis que podemos aprender a controlar. Se precisa de motiva??o, a Dopamina ? o seu rem?dio; se o objetivo ? conectar-se melhor com o mundo, experimente a Oxitocina; se anda numa roda-viva de emo??es contradit?rias, ? sinal de que precisa de Serotonina; j? o Cortisol, que ? um veneno quando produzido em excesso (pelo stress, por exemplo), na medida certa ? o impulso que conduz ? a??o; e enquanto as Endorfinas ajudam a relaxar, a Testosterona oferece-lhe a autoconfian?a para enfrentar qualquer desafio. Enorme bestseller na Su?cia, Seis Subst?ncias que V?o Mudar a Sua Vida foi vendido para mais de 30 pa?ses poucos meses depois de ter sido publicado.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。