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¥4,276 円

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Windows 11 Simplified WINDOWS 11 SIMPLIFIED (Simplified (Wiley)) [ Paul McFedries ]


WINDOWS 11 SIMPLIFIED Simplified (Wiley) Paul McFedries WILEY2022 Paperback English ISBN:9781119893080 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Computers


¥2,033 円

評価: 0

Windows 11制霸攻略-用圖解帶?速讀微軟最新功能【電子書籍】[ ?燦銘 ]


<p><strong>/Windows 11嶄新特點/</strong><br /> ◆ 平衡性功能改版<br /> 多功能視窗整合最佳化工作流程與運作</p> <p>◆ 全新使用者介面<br /> 工具列功能優化與個人化小工具面板</p> <p>◆ 直覺式觸控操作<br /> 觸選、撥動,瀏覽、互動更靈巧快速</p> <p>◆ 強化資安防護規格<br /> 配搭必要TPM 2.0強化系統安全性</p> <p><strong>Windows 11功能大解析!無痛銜接微軟最新作業系統</strong></p> <p>【Windows 11全新亮點】<br /> Fluent Design圓角視窗、Snap Layout多功能視窗、優化觸控輸入介面、Snap Group將App設為群組、全新小工具程式(Widgets)、讓Android App執行於Windows 11、升級TPM 2.0資安防護更新、導入遊戲新技術與雲端遊戲、新設計的Microsoft Store、開放Azure線上語音辨識。</p> <p>【精彩篇幅】<br /> 本書除了讓?首先體驗Windows 11特色全新亮點外,還能讓?上手Windows 11各方面的功能技巧與應用,例如打造出獨樹一格的?面環境、得心應手?案管理工作術、孰悉包羅萬象的?建程式及Microsoft Store、認識控制台設定與應用程式、最佳化相簿管理與影片編輯、使用者帳?建立與管理、精通軟體管理與協助工具、一手掌握裝置新増與設定、防微杜漸電腦更新與系統安全、亡羊補牢系統修復與管理、了解無遠弗屆網路安裝與應用、與時並進運用資源共享的雲端服務等,最後還提供便捷實用的Windows 11快速鍵,希望本書能?成為?快速入門與熟悉Windows 11的最佳選擇。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥1,700 円

評価: 0

Exploring Windows 11 - 2023 Edition【電子書籍】[ Kevin Wilson ]


<p>Make the most of your computer with this illustrated, easy to follow guide to Microsoft Windows 11. Updated for 2023, <em>Exploring Windows 11</em> is the essential guide for those who want to get to grips with the fundamentals of Microsoft Windows 11. Written in a clear and practical way with 500 pages of full color illustrations, screenshots, and easy to follow instructions along with video demos to help you understand. <em>Exploring Windows 11</em> will help you:</p> <p>Install or upgrade to Windows 11</p> <p>Check out new features</p> <p>Master the key features of Windows 11</p> <p>Customise Windows 11 and change settings</p> <p>Find your way around the Desktop, new Start Menu, and Taskbar</p> <p>Learn basic navigation with the touchpad, mouse, and keyboard shortcuts</p> <p>Learn touch gestures for touchscreen devices, as well as using a pen</p> <p>Organise your files with Windows 11's new File Explorer</p> <p>Learn about external drives, flash drives, and memory cards in Windows 11</p> <p>Learn to use Windows 11 features such as new Action Centre, notifications, Cloud Clipboard, widgets, virtual desktops, multiple screens, docking, and the new windows snap feature</p> <p>Search the web with the Microsoft Edge Browser and Google Chrome in Windows 11</p> <p>Keep in touch using Windows 11's email and new video chat</p> <p>Get started using Microsoft Teams to keep in touch, video chat, collaborate with colleagues and share files.</p> <p>Organise, enhance, and share your photos with the Windows 11's new Photos App</p> <p>Try ClipChamp and the legacy photos app video editor to create videos with titles, effects and music</p> <p>Listen to your favourite music with Spotify on Windows 11</p> <p>Learn how to watch your favourite TV programs and films using the Films & TV App</p> <p>Play your DVD collection on your Windows 11 PC</p> <p>Find and download apps with the new Microsoft Store</p> <p>Use the maps app, read the news, get weather reports, set world clocks, timers, and reminders.</p> <p>Understand how Cloud storage with OneDrive works, and use it for free storage and sharing files</p> <p>Use the Cloud Restore feature to re-install Windows 11</p> <p>Use Windows Recovery Environment</p> <p>Keep your device secure with Windows Security, Firewall, and anti-virus utilities.</p> <p>Finally, maintenance tips to help you keep your Windows 11 device running smoothly complete this invaluable guide. So order yourself a copy today, and keep it handy as you make your way around the new OS.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥1,211 円

評価: 0

Corso Completo di Windows 11: Impara dalle Basi all'Avanzato Guida Pratica e Approfondita : Scopri tutte le funzioni di Windows 11, personalizza e sfrutta al massimo il potenziale!【電子書籍】[ Davide Brugognone ]


<p>Il corso completo di Windows 11 ? la guida pratica e approfondita che ti permetter? di imparare tutte le funzioni avanzate del sistema operativo pi? recente di Microsoft. Con tutorial passo-passo e demo pratiche, imparerai a gestire il tuo dispositivo in modo efficiente e produttivo, partendo dalle basi e arrivando all'esperto. Sia che tu sia un principiante o un utente esperto, questo corso ? adatto a te! Approfitta dei consigli degli esperti del settore per diventare un vero professionista di Windows 11. Inizia subito a imparare e diventa un esperto del nuovo sistema operativo di Microsoft!</p> <p>I temi affrontati in questa guida sono:</p> <p>Introduzione a Windows 11</p> <p>Cos'? Windows 11?<br /> Requisiti minimi di sistema<br /> Come scaricare e installare Windows 11</p> <p>Funzionalit? di base di Windows 11</p> <p>Desktop e Start menu<br /> Taskbar e notifiche<br /> File Explorer<br /> Cortana e ricerca<br /> Impostazioni di sistema<br /> Gestione degli account utente</p> <p>Applicazioni integrate in Windows 11</p> <p>Microsoft Edge<br /> Microsoft Office<br /> Foto e video<br /> Musica<br /> Altre applicazioni integrate</p> <p>Personalizzazione di Windows 11</p> <p>Sfondi e temi<br /> Schermate di blocco e di accesso<br /> Suoni e notifiche<br /> Barre delle applicazioni<br /> Strumenti di accessibilit?<br /> Altre opzioni di personalizzazione</p> <p>Sicurezza e privacy in Windows 11</p> <p>Protezione con password e PIN<br /> Windows Defender<br /> Protezione della privacy<br /> Controllo dell'account utente</p> <p>Utilizzo avanzato di Windows 11</p> <p>Gestione dei programmi e dei processi<br /> Gestione delle risorse di sistema<br /> Gestione del registro di sistema<br /> Strumenti di amministrazione di sistema</p> <p>Utilizzo professionale di Windows 11</p> <p>Strumenti di sviluppo<br /> Strumenti di gestione del progetto<br /> Strumenti di virtualizzazione<br /> Strumenti di sicurezza avanzati</p> <p>Risoluzione dei problemi in Windows 11</p> <p>Utilizzo dello strumento di risoluzione dei problemi<br /> Ripristino di sistema<br /> Backup e ripristino dei dati<br /> Aggiornamento dei driver e del firmware</p> <p>Ottimizzare e velocizzare Windows 11</p> <p>Disabilitazione dei programmi di avvio automatico<br /> Utilizzo della deframmentazione del disco<br /> Utilizzo della pulizia disco<br /> Atre impostazioni di ottimizzazione</p> <p>Conclusioni</p> <p>Sintesi delle funzionalit? e degli strumenti di Windows 11<br /> Suggerimenti per l'utilizzo ottimale di Windows 11<br /> Prospettive future per Windows 11.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥4,304 円

評価: 0

Windows 11 for Enterprise Administrators Unleash the power of Windows 11 with effective techniques and strategies【電子書籍】[ Jeff Stokes ]


<p><b>Get to grips with the intricacies of Windows 11 management, security, and deployment to foster organizational efficiency and resiliency</b></p><h2>Key Features</h2><ul><li>Enhance your enterprise administration skills to reap the full potential of Windows 11</li><li>Configure Azure Active Directory (AD) to enable cloud-based services</li><li>Provide enterprise-level security with ease using the built-in data loss prevention of Windows 11</li><li>Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook</li></ul><h2>Book Description</h2>Windows 11 comes with a plethora of new security measures, customizability, and accessibility features that can help your organization run more smoothly. But, without a proper introduction to this new version of Windows, it’s easy to miss the most important improvements, along with configuration options that will make migrating to Windows 11 frictionless. Windows 11 for Enterprise Administrators helps you understand the installation process, configuration methods, deployment scenarios, and management strategies. You’ll delve into configuring Remote Server Administration Tools for remote Windows Server and Azure Active Directory management. This edition emphasizes PowerShell's role in automating administrative tasks, and its importance in Windows 11 and Windows Server management. It also provides comprehensive insights into Windows 11 updates, including Version 21H2 and 22H2, contrasting them with Windows 10, ensuring your knowledge stays current with the latest enhancements in the Windows ecosystem. By the end of this book, you'll be well-equipped with Windows 11's vital technologies and potentials, enabling you to adeptly oversee and implement these attributes within your company.<h2>What you will learn</h2><ul><li>Configure and harden PowerShell</li><li>Explore advanced options to secure the user account credentials</li><li>Perform administrative tasks using the RSAT tool</li><li>Explore EUC device models and their key considerations</li><li>Manage Windows 11 security efficiently</li><li>Work with Azure AD and Intune management</li><li>Apply the zero-trust and defense-in-depth approach</li></ul><h2>Who this book is for</h2><p>If you’re a system administrator tasked with upgrading to Windows 11, then this book is for you. Having deployed and managed previous versions of Windows in the past will help you follow along this book, but you can also use it as a guide if Windows 11 is your first foray into system administration.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥1,030 円

評価: 0

Windows 11 Hacks【電子書籍】[ J?rg Schieb ]


<p>Windows 11 hat mittlerweile zwei gro?e Funktions-Updates bekommen, die jede Menge neuer und erweiterter Funktionen hinzugef?gt haben, manche Funktionen wurden angepasst, optimiert oder erweitert. Grund genug f?r eine Aufstellung der besten Hacks f?r Windows 11 22H2! Ob Ihr nun Android-Apps unter Windows laufen lassen wollt, den Windows Explorer wieder wie fr?her nutzen wollt, das Startmen? wieder wie bei ?lteren Windows-Versionen mit Ordnern organisieren wollt, das und mehr findet Ihr in diesem eBook. Windows ist als Betriebssystem im Standard so konfiguriert, dass es f?r die meisten Anwender alle M?glichkeiten bietet. Das bedeutet aber auch, dass es viele Stellschrauben gibt, die Euch helfen k?nnen, Euch auf die eigenen Aufgaben zu konzentrieren. Das Ausschalten nicht ben?tigter Dienste und Programme bringt Windows dazu, mehr Ressourcen zur Verf?gung stellen. Die Anpassung von Prozessen an die eigene Arbeitsweise beschleunigt den Workflow: Damit l?sst sich viel Zeit sparen und die Arbeit macht mehr Spa?.</p> <p>J?rg Schieb ist einer der bekanntesten deutschsprachigen Autoren f?r Digitalthemen und arbeitet auch f?r ARD, WDR und andere Sender.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥2,105 円

評価: 0

Windows 11 Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts in easy steps 1000+ tips, tricks and shortcuts【電子書籍】[ Nick Vandome ]


<p><strong>Windows 11 Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts in easy steps</strong> provides over 1000 tips, tricks and keyboard shortcuts to help you save time and use your Windows 11 PC more efficiently.</p> <p>Using the full potential of Windows 11 can sometimes seem like a daunting task, even when you have mastered the basics of the operating system. However, with Windows 11 Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts in easy steps you can start to take your Windows 11 knowledge to the next level. Over 1000 useful tricks of the trade to make Windows work more efficiently for you, all revealed in this book, and updated for Windows 11. Throughout the book you will learn how to:</p> <p>Customize the interface to suit your needs.<br /> Boost your PC’s performance with simple tweaks.<br /> Quicken startup and shutdown times.<br /> Save time by keeping your files organized.<br /> Be more productive with your PC.<br /> Keep your hard drive lean.<br /> Quickly repair Windows 11.<br /> Give your PC a free tune-up.<br /> Keep web browsing safe, private, and efficient.<br /> Access family safety features.<br /> Get to grips with email using the Outlook app.<br /> Keep tabs on other users’ activities.<br /> Guard your PC against viruses and prying eyes.</p> <p>With keyboard shortcuts throughout to help you save time, this popular guide is a great investment for all Windows 11 users!</p> <p>Table of Contents</p> <p>Windows 11 Interface<br /> Performance<br /> Startup & Shutdown<br /> Productivity<br /> Things You Can Do Without<br /> Customization<br /> Privacy<br /> Security<br /> Installation/Setting Up<br /> Shortcuts<br /> The Internet<br /> Email<br /> Multimedia<br /> Miscellaneous</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥2,290 円

評価: 0

跟我學Windows 11輕鬆操控X提升效率(22H2年度改版)【電子書籍】[ 志凌資訊郭?劭 ]


<p>掌握Windows 11 全新亮點,上手必備技巧與應用!</p> <p>【超?加贈:多達190頁的全彩電子書】為提供讀者更豐富的?容,作者特別將部分主題的詳細?明或較為進階的?容,如:協助工具、?的手機、Edge建立安全密碼與密碼?生器、快速助手、電腦不符合需求時的安裝...等,製作成PDF電子書,讓?學習更深更廣!</p> <p>操作介面大變革:<br /> ■導入Fluent Design風格與圓角視窗設計,簡潔的開始功能表使應用程式執行更有效率。<br /> ■新的通知中心與快速設定面板,讓?有效率的執行常用的設定。<br /> ■新的電腦「設定」介面,在系統、裝置、帳?…等各種設定之間輕鬆遊走,不會迷失方向。<br /> ■整合最愛的新聞資訊與服務的小工具,隨時掌握待?工作與關注的股票行情。<br /> ■充分利用螢幕資源的快照?局,將視窗快速排列,提高多工作業的執行力。</p> <p>應用程式再進化:<br /> ■?案總管的「分頁標籤」功能、全新的相片應用程式。<br /> ■使用聊天應用程式與家人朋友免費聊天,或是撥打語音通話與視訊通話。<br /> ■To Do應用程式讓?輕鬆規劃一天的待?事項,搭配時鐘的新功能「專注工作階段」,更有效率的完成工作計劃與任務。<br /> ■Microsoft Edge提供更快的網頁載入速度與延伸模組相容性,瀏覽網站更安全、更有效率。<br /> ■?的手機」可搭配Android手機,直接在電腦讀取與發送簡訊、撥打與接聽電話、檢視相片和通知,使電腦與手機無縫連接。</p> <p>系統升級與更新:<br /> ■不符合升級資格的老電腦,也能輕鬆升級到Windows 11。<br /> ■改良後的Windows Update減少了?案大小,以更有效率的方式在背景中執行,讓電腦永遠保持在最新?態。<br /> ■系統修復必學!建立還原點、系統映像?、修復光?及USB磁?,再也不怕電腦當機了。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥2,542 円

評価: 0

Windows 11 For Dummies【電子書籍】[ Andy Rathbone ]


<p><strong>Need Windows help? Find the latest tips and tricks in this perennial favorite on Windows</strong></p> <p>Windows 11 promises to be the fastest, most secure, and most flexible version of the Microsoft operating system yet. With a promise like that, of course you want to start using it, as quickly as possible! <em>Windows 11 For Dummies</em> gives you that speed, security, and flexibility by getting you up to date with the latest in Windows. Windows expert and bestselling author Andy Rathbone gives you a helping hand by showing you how to get around the newly updated Windows 11 interface, how to use the new Windows tools like Teams and widgets, and how to use Android apps.</p> <p>Your tour of Windows 11 starts with the Start menu and ends with how to troubleshoot when things go wrong. In between you find out how to find files on your hard drive, connect with friends and colleagues on Microsoft Teams, transfer photos from your phone to your hard drive, or switch between your desktop and laptop. Additional topics include:</p> <ul> <li>Navigating the Start menu</li> <li>Finding where your files are hiding</li> <li>Adding separate user accounts to keep your kids out of your business</li> <li>Connecting to a WiFi network</li> <li>Customizing your widgets</li> <li>Switching to a laptop or tablet</li> </ul> <p>You know what you want to get done. Keep <em>Windows 11 For Dummies</em> by your desktop, laptop, and tablet, and you can open it at any time to find out how to get your Windows computer to do what you need.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥1,400 円

評価: 0

Exploring Windows 11 - 2024 Edition The Illustrated, Practical Guide to Using Microsoft Windows【電子書籍】[ Kevin Wilson ]


<p>Unlock the full potential of Windows 11. This vibrant, full-color book is your key to mastering Windows 11, offering a look at all the new features, updates, and enhancements, along with illustrations, screenshots and video demos. From initial setup to customization options, Exploring Windows 11 covers everything you need to know to make the most out of your PC.</p> <p>Exploring Windows 11 contains chapters on system requirements, upgrading from Windows 10, personalizing your desktop, and optimizing your settings for peak performance. Learn how to navigate the Start Menu, taskbar personalization, light and dark modes, power options, and more.</p> <p>This guide doesn't just stop at the basics. It also covers networking, managing printers, configuring audio and display settings, creating and managing user accounts, and securing your device with Windows Hello. Plus and introduction to the Windows Subsystem for Linux, Android apps on Windows, and the best ways to use cloud storage with OneDrive.</p> <p>Exploring Windows 11 goes beyond the printed page. Readers will have exclusive access to online videos that bring the book's tutorials to life, helping you to grasp complex concepts through visual learning.</p> <p>Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to upgrade your skills, this book ensures you'll be able to leverage all the possibilities Windows 11 has to offer.</p> <p>Perfect for both personal and professional use, Exploring Windows 11 is the ultimate resource for anyone eager to learn about the latest in computing technology. Don't just upgrade your operating system-upgrade your entire computing experience with this indispensable guide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

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