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¥4,400 円

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L'altopiano iranico fonte di civilt? e ispirazione Architettura sostenibile【電子書籍】[ Esmaeili Ali Reza ]


<p>Il libro tratta delle magnifiche soluzioni che l'ingegno umano ha saputo escogitare, adottando particolari tecniche costruttive, per poter vivere in un vasto territorio, quale appunto l'altopiano iranico, ove l'ambiente desertico non ? certo favorevole allo sviluppo dell'attivit? umana. Ma ? proprio in questi luoghi e in queste condizioni estreme che sono nate e si sono affermate le grandi civilt?. Sulle rotte dei carovanieri sono sorte citt? da "Mille e una notte", come Esfahan, Shiraz, Nain, Kashan e Yazd, dotate di bazar, caravanserragli,moschee e hammam, provviste di ogni comfort attraverso l'invenzione delle prime ghiacciaie, dei primi mulini ad acqua e a vento, delle cisterne ventilate per il buon mantenimento dell'acqua, delle torri a vento per il raffrescamento naturale degli edifici e di speciali "ambienti frigorifero". E infine le abitazioni, confortevoli soprattutto dal punto di vista climatico. Il tema ? di grande interesse e attualit? e il testo, corredato da disegni e fotografie originali, tra il tecnico e la guida turistica per viaggiatori attenti, vuole colpire la curiosit? del lettore inducendolo ad intraprendere un nuovo "viaggio" e, soprattutto, a meditare sull'opportunit? del vivere quotidiano in modo sostenibile. L'architetto Stefano Russo si interessa ai problemi concernenti il risparmio energetico, la salvaguardia dell'ambiente e le costruzioni sostenibili sin dalla fine degli anni '80, quando ancora in Italia la tematica dell'architettura naturale era pressoch? sconosciuta. Specializzato nella realizzazione di edifici concepiti in modo ecologico e sostenibile, continua ad aggiornarsi e a trarre sempre nuovi spunti di riflessione attraverso viaggi di studio. Relatore in diversi convegni in Italia e all'estero, nel 2007 e 2008 ? stato invitato in Iran come conferenziere sul tema della bioarchitettura. Giornali e riviste di settore hanno pubblicato in diverse occasioni suoi articoli e progetti.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥2,880 円

評価: 0

Cloth Stories Capturing domestic life in textile art【電子書籍】[ Ali Ferguson ]


<p><strong>A textile artist's guide to creating exquisite, intimate and nostalgic work inspired by the home.</strong></p> <p>Ali Ferguson's work takes inspiration from domestic life and the objects that surround and comfort us in our homes. Vintage fabric and hand-embroidered text are beautifully paired to create evocative pieces that are imbued with the magic of everyday existence. In this wonderful book Ali reveals the secrets of her work and shares her ingenious methods for finding inspiration at home to create stunning work that uses embroidery, quilting, collage and found objects.</p> <p>Chapter One explains how to create 'threads of thought' that stem from the tiniest details within the rooms of your home, resulting in extensive mind maps you can use to inspire your finished work. Chapter Two shows how to translate these ideas into stitch and select the perfect materials for the mood you want to convey in your work. The rest of the chapters take you through the different rooms in a typical home, from kitchen to bedroom, giving a wealth of ideas for finding inspiration from each of these spaces in your own household, accessing memories, stories and emotions to help you create intensely personal and meaningful textile art pieces.</p> <p>Beautifully illustrated with the author's own work and that of other leading textile artists who draw inspiration from home life, this book revels in cloth and the joy that it brings to every textile artist. It is the ideal book for any artist or embroiderer who wants to explore new sources of inspiration on their very doorstep.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥3,059 円

評価: 0

The Theatre of the Oppressed in Practice Today An Introduction to the Work and Principles of Augusto Boal【電子書籍】[ Ali Campbell ]


<p>How has the work and legacy of Augusto Boal's <em>Theatre of the Oppressed</em> been interpreted and practised around the world? What does it look like in different working contexts? This book provides an accessible introduction to the political and artistic principles Boal's techniques are founded on, tracking exemplary practice from around the globe.</p> <p>Using detailed contemporary case histories, theatre artist, scholar and activist Ali Campbell demonstrates how the underlying principles of Boal's practice are today enacted in the work of - among others - an urban network (Theatre of the Oppressed NYC); a rural and developmental theatre organisation (Jana Sanskriti, West Bengal); Boal's original company CTO Rio (Brazil); and a theatre-based group led by learning-disabled adults in the UK (The Lawnmowers Independent Theatre Company). The book concludes with a series of conversations between Campbell and international exponents of the work, envisioning futures for the Theatre of the Oppressed in the shifting political, educational and artistic contexts of the twenty-first century.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥5,544 円

評価: 0

Turbulence: Ali Rahim, Christopher Sharples, William Sharples TURBULENCE ENGLISH/E (Louis I. Kahn Visiting Assistant Professorship) [ Leo Stevens ]


TURBULENCE ENGLISH/E Louis I. Kahn Visiting Assistant Professorship Leo Stevens YALE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE2011 Paperback English English ISBN:9780393733501 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Architecture


¥2,020 円

評価: 0

去遠方:聖塔菲印象 On the Road to Santa Fe【電子書籍】[ 阿力金吉兒(Ali Ginger) ]


<p><strong>「我彷彿曾經以不同的靈魂來過這裡,這次只是回家。」</strong></p> <p>義大利波隆那插畫展、美國<strong>3X3</strong>插畫展入選插畫家ーー阿力金吉兒,</p> <p><strong>出走遠方,獻給廣袤大地的蛻變之作。</strong></p> <p><strong>「宛如孩童遠足時留下的粉色塗鴉,寫生的對象卻又是聖塔菲原始粗コウ地貌,這矛盾衝突,就像阿力金吉兒的文字,用?純度極高的童心為我們擦拭所有已被世俗固定的風景。人生任何時候都需要一個興高采烈的導遊ーー?怕仍在原地,也似去了遠方。」ーー孫梓評(作家)</strong></p> <p><strong>「翻看此書,可以想像阿力金吉兒站在廣闊風景前是如何地激動,畫中似乎能?感受到風與沙子。顏色堆疊如強勁的野草緊緊抓住新墨西哥州的土地,這是大膽又柔軟的一?壯旅。」ーー川貝母(插畫家)</strong></p> <p><strong>------------------------------------------------------</strong></p> <p><strong>「我真的要走了。」</strong></p> <p><strong>我們擁抱了一下,我腦海不斷浮現,「這是?得的,我會克服一切的 !」</strong></p> <p>曾入選「波隆那國際童書原畫展」和「美國3X3當代插畫大賽優選」的插畫家阿力金吉兒,早年曾以「蘇意傑」為筆名,?袁哲生等知名作家繪製插畫,作品也經常出現在報章副刊。2018年,?遇到了人生與創作上的關?,茫然無措之際,獲得了人生第一次的駐村機會,2019年底出發前往美國新墨西哥州的聖塔菲,展開改變?視野與風格的三個月駐村時光。</p> <p>從日本機場轉機遇到的風波開始,這三個月帶給?非常豐富而有趣的刺激和養分。和台灣南洋島國截然不同的北美大陸風光、有趣熱情又充滿各國文化的新朋友們,讓作者的筆調出現轉變,不管是在異地或回到家?,畫面儼然有了新的氣息。?橘色的大地、藍緑色的天空,小巧而別出心裁的人與動物,在?筆下鮮活而充滿氣味,呈現與先前創作截然不同的風情。</p> <p>在這本圖文旅記中,阿力金吉兒用樸實真切的短文,以及創作當下既詩意又童趣的英文隨筆,搭配一張張彷彿記憶重現的彩圖ーー古印第安的部落遺跡、巨大雄偉的峽谷、看不見盡頭的公路、泥土上奔?的牛群......充滿感情地記敘了這一段新墨西哥州的駐村之旅,構築成獨特的聖塔菲印象。一路上,有風景、有動物、有朋友;有開心、有衝撞、有奇遇。在這廣袤的陌生之地,?找回了創作的熱情與率真的自己。</p> <p><strong>“There is no light in the blue water.</strong></p> <p><strong>I am wearing a Mexican suit with a coloring pen.</strong></p> <p><strong>I am riding a big cat.</strong></p> <p><strong>There are some dirty and messy,</strong></p> <p><strong>but I know that I am freedom.”ーーAli Ginger</strong></p> <p><strong>創作,去遠方;創作,在路上。</strong></p> <p>本書以横式左翻設計,展現北美大地的綿延寛闊。?容分為正冊與別冊,正冊採插畫和短文並呈的形式,收?約50張彩圖、45篇短文,分為三輯,?一輯是一個月?,代表在聖塔菲生活的三個月。</p> <p>別冊則收?20張在聖塔菲生活當下的隨筆塗鴉,以信紙的形式,裝在信封?。童趣帶有詩意的英文短句,配上古拙樸實的彩色插畫,希望讓觀者有如看日記般,接收到作者當下最真實的感受。</p> <p>※第一輯「九月」,從長途飛行、初到美國的心境,以及駐村所在地的風景,充滿著新鮮與好奇。</p> <p>「阿布奎基有很多來自貧窮國家的移民,他們選擇來到這裡,是因為這裡有故?泥土的味道。」ーー〈六號旅店的清晨〉</p> <p>「?次我站在藍屋中庭,仰望天空,就感覺被世界包圍著,好似這裡是我與世界交流的一個出『口』,奇妙形成了一個『回』字。更妙的是,我彷彿曾經以不同的靈魂來過這裡,這次只是回家。」ーー〈藍屋〉</p> <p>「我在路上找到屬於自己的食物,也找到如何品味自己。」ーー〈穀物路〉</p> <p>「車窗左右兩邊的風景各有自己的面貌,如同車?的我們,來自不同國家和種族。」ーー〈幽靈牧場與紅色?包車〉</p> <p>※第二輯「十月」,講述所遇見的新舊夥伴,還有?浸在美國中西部的風光,享受前所未有的平靜與開闊。</p> <p>「我們的相遇非常短暫,?卻幾乎天天來找我,不知道?是否已經習慣別離,而下一次又會遇見誰??」ーー〈安靜的午後〉</p> <p>「他?我的靈魂有著蜂鳥的速度。我知道蜂鳥的特質是信使,也是時間的終結者。我是一隻勇於接受挑戰的蜂鳥,很開心飛行萬里來到這裡和他們短暫相聚。」ーー〈大地的母親〉</p> <p>「往往很多人急著付出友善與熱情,卻忽略對方真正需要的。」ーー〈美國超市〉</p> <p>「我走在綿延不?的蒼茫大地,聽著遠方鳥鳴的韻律,想像古印第安人在這裡交易的喧鬧聲、西班牙探險者彼此?甲的?撞聲、還有數以千計的貨車曾經駛過的?道,以及延續至今放牧牛群的景象。」ーー〈佩斯科〉</p> <p>※第三輯「十一月」,隨著入冬與道別來臨,圖與文字都有種蕭瑟與不捨之感。</p> <p>「他?次看到我總會?:『我今天要為?煮一道菜。』……過沒幾天,他們真的按照食譜做了滷肉飯和滷?腿。共享食物,觸動心靈的美妙時光裡,那一碗有點甜的滷肉飯,是?上最特別的一道。」ーー〈滷肉飯〉</p> <p>「當我們走出展覽館,夕陽照在?個人臉上,光影投射在草叢,漂浮成一條一條的魚。再過不久,最後一次Open Studio結束之後,我們就會道別,各奔前程。我發現我愛上這裡的顏色,也是屬於新墨西哥州特有的顏色。」ーー〈帳篷岩〉</p> <p>「我經常在路上看見不同的旅人,生活在路上是他們置身世界的方式。」ーー〈分隔島上的旅人〉</p> <p>「『我真的要走了。』我一直非常喜歡這句話,帶著一點冒險,迎接對自我的未知期許。相信未來某天,當我無意間翻到一段曾經在聖塔菲的移動,都得以讓我繼續尋找?一個故事的接軌。」ーー〈?再見,之後〉</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥12,154 円

評価: 0

Youth Identities, Localities, and Visual Material Culture Making Selves, Making Worlds【電子書籍】[ Kristen Ali Eglinton ]


<p>This invaluable addition to Springer’s Explorations of Educational Purpose series is a revelatory ethnographic account of the visual material culture of contemporary youths in North America. The author’s detailed study follows apparently dissimilar groups (black and Latino/a in a New York City after-school club, and white and Indigenous in a small Canadian community) as they inflect their nascent identities with a sophisticated sense of visual material culture in today’s globalized world. It provides detailed proof of how much ethnography can add to what we know about young people’s development, in addition to its potential as a model to explore new and significant avenues in pedagogy.</p> <p>Supported by a wealth of ethnographic evidence, the analysis tracks its subjects’ responses to strikingly diverse material ranging from autobiographical accounts by rap artists to the built environment. It shows how young people from the world’s cultural epicenter, just like their counterparts in the sub-Arctic, construct racial, geographic and gender identities in ways that are subtly responsive to what they see around them, blending localized characteristics with more widely shared visual references that are now universally accessible through the Web. The work makes a persuasive case that youthful engagement with visual material culture is a relational and productive activity that is simultaneously local and global, at once constrained and enhanced by geography, and possesses a potent and life-affirming authenticity. Densely interwoven with young people’s perspectives, the author’s account sets out an innovative and interdisciplinary conceptual framework affording fresh insights into how today’s youth assimilate what they perceive to be significant.</p> <p>Supported by a wealth of ethnographic evidence, the analysis tracks itssubjects’ responses to strikingly diverse material ranging from autobiographical accounts by rap artists to the built environment. It shows how young people from the world’s cultural epicenter, just like their counterparts in the sub-Arctic, construct racial, geographic and gender identities in ways that are subtly responsive to what they see around them, blending localized characteristics with more widely shared visual references that are now universally accessible through the Web. The work makes a persuasive case that youthful engagement with visual material culture is a relational and productive activity that is simultaneously local and global, at once constrained and enhanced by geography, and possesses a potent and life-affirming authenticity. Densely interwoven with young people’s perspectives, the author’s account sets out an innovative and interdisciplinary conceptual framework affording fresh insights into how today’s youth assimilate what they perceive to be significant.</p> <p>Supported by a wealth of ethnographic evidence, the analysis tracks its subjects’ responses to strikingly diverse material ranging from autobiographical accounts by rap artists to the built environment. It shows how young people from the world’s cultural epicenter, just like their counterparts in the sub-Arctic, construct racial, geographic and gender identities in ways that are subtly responsive to what they see around them, blending localized characteristics with more widely shared visual references that are now universally accessible through the Web. The work makes a persuasive case that youthful engagement with visual material culture is a relational and productive activity that is simultaneously local and global, at once constrained and enhanced by geography, and possesses a potent and life-affirming authenticity. Densely interwoven with young people’s perspectives, the author’s account sets out an innovative andinterdisciplinary conceptual framework affording fresh insights into how today’s youth assimilate what they perceive to be significant.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥1,704 円

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Call Me Ishmael Tonight: A Book of Ghazals【電子書籍】[ Agha Shahid Ali ]


<p><strong>"Ali's ghazals are contemporary and colloquial, deceptively simple, yet still grounded in tradition....Highly recommended."ー<em>Library Journal</em></strong></p> <p>The beloved Kashmiri-American poet Agha Shahid Ali presents his own American ghazals. Calling on a line or phrase from fellow poets, Ali salutes those known and lovedーW. S. Merwin, Mark Strand, James Tate, and moreーwhile in other searingly honest verse he courageously faces his own mortality.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥5,544 円

評価: 0

Cloth Stories: Capturing Domestic Life in Textile Art CLOTH STORIES [ Ali Ferguson ]


CLOTH STORIES Ali Ferguson BATSFORD BOOKS2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9781849948180 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies


¥1,520 円

評価: 0

Cathy (NHB Modern Plays)【電子書籍】[ Ali Taylor ]


<p>Settled... Until suddenly you're not...</p> <p>Forced out of London by spiralling living costs, Cathy finds herself in an unfamiliar town with no friends and no money; pushed to make choices she doesn't want to make...</p> <p>Candid, poignant and intimate, Ali Taylor's play <em>Cathy</em> offers a timely reflection on the lives of those at the sharp end of economic austerity, faced with impossible choices and an uncertain future.</p> <p>Inspired by <em>Cathy Come Home</em>, Ken Loach's pioneering television drama, <em>Cathy</em> was first produced in 2016 by Cardboard Citizens, a theatre company that makes work with and for homeless people, on a tour of the UK.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


¥1,012 円

評価: 0

The Fortieth Day【電子書籍】[ Kazim Ali ]


<p>From the Bible to the Quaraan, the fortieth day symbolizes the last moment before deliverance, a moment in time when a supplicant or prophet or stormbeaten passenger knows there is no state “after,” but finally accepts the present state as a permanent one.</p> <p>In <em>The Fortieth Day</em>, Kazim Ali follows the fractured narratives and moving lyrics of his debut collection, <em>The Far Mosque</em>, with a deeply spiritual and meditative book exploring the rhetoric of prayer.</p> <p><strong>Kazim Ali</strong> was born in the United Kingdom and raised in an Islamic household. He holds degrees from the University at Albany and New York University. He lives in Oberlin, Ohio.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

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