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¥3,510 円
評価: 0
<p>Learn how to paint on your iPad like the professionals in Beginner’s Guide to Procreate, a comprehensive introduction to this industry-standard software. Accessible and versatile, Procreate is an ideal tool for anyone wanting to give digital painting a go. Step-by-step tutorials, quick tips, and inspiring artwork ensure you’ll have all you need to create stunning concept art quickly and easily.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥1,755 円
評価: 0
<p>One of the joys of carrying a sketchbook is the freedom to create images on the move or whenever the mood grabs you. Portable and tactile, the iPad enables all users the same freedom to draw and paint digitally wherever and whenever they choose. Here, artist and illustrator Dani Jones introduces readers to the fun and creative opportunities of making art with an iPad. Through practical illustrated tutorials she guides readers through the leading art apps, and how every user can make the most of their iPad and develop their individual artistic vision and style. Whatever the art you are interested in from painting landscapes, portraits and still-life to comic super heroes, childrens characters and illustration, Dani Jones sets out the key tools and best approaches to get you up and running.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥1,300 円
評価: 0
<p>Original Musicscores of the Soundtrack "Four Tangos", Music by Klaus Bruengel. The label "Scores &Parts" produces eBooks containing musical scores and parts. The eBooks can be effectively used on stage, with an iPad or Kindle, to read music whilst playing an Instrument. Klaus Bruengel is a professional composer and arranger, working for the label "Scores And Parts".</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥2,430 円
評価: 0
<p><strong>Unlock your creativity with easy digital illustration techniques.</strong></p> <p>Learn how to create professional-looking art and illustration in Procreate, the industry-leading digital painting app for iPad. In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to create unique art, make seamless patterns, and master all the elements of the software: from layers to selections, how to use brushes, how to tile patterns and everything you need to know to take your art to new digital highs.</p> <p>Artist and illustrator Ruth Burrows takes a beginner-friendly, jargon-free approach to explaining how to get the most from Procreate, delivering not a heavy technical manual but rather, an inspirational workbook that encourages you to play, make mistakes and seek out your own way of using the app.</p> <p>The Basic Tools section introduces essential features and takes you on a quick tour of Procreate.You will learn by doing and if you're unsure of anything later on, you can dip back into this section to refresh your memory.</p> <p>The Projects section takes you a bit further on your 'learning by doing' journey. The first few projects explain techniques step-by-step. There are screenshots of the actual interface so you can see exactly how things work and where things are. The later projects are more art based and look in detail at how the author uses Procreate to make her highly commercial art.</p> <p>By the end of this book, you will be creating digital illustrations that will feel as natural and intuitive as drawing with pencil and paper. As well as mastering the art techniques, you will also find practical advice on how to monetize your artwork, from tips on licensing to how to have your art printed on products, and more.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥5,133 円
評価: 0
<p><strong>Perfect for Procreate beginners or more advanced artists, this inspiring book shows how to create impressive paintings using very quick and simple techniques.</strong></p> <p>These tricks provide the perfect base for aspiring artist to build confidence and grow their skills. More advanced artists can also take the techniques in this book and use them to speed up their digital-painting process.</p> <p>Procreate for the iPad continues to be the most popular digital-painting software in the world, with around 30 million users. 3dtotal Publishing's previous Procreate titles have sold over 74,000 copies to date, so the desire in our audience to learn more about this software is proven. This book goes right back to basics, covering the use of selection tools, gradient fills, custom brushes, and more to quickly and easily build up quality paintings.</p> <p>These methods are introduced in an in-depth chapter of must-know basics, which are followed by eight accessible tutorials written by professional artists, including Derek Domnic D'Souza. Featuring short, simple steps and easy-to-follow instructions, plus clear screengrabs from Procreate accompanying each stage of the process, the projects show readers exactly how to achieve what is being described.</p> <p>For those picking up an iPad and opening Procreate for the very first time, this book provides an amazingly detailed lesson in creating high-quality paintings with simple techniques. For those with more experience, it offers a new range of skills to speed up working digitally - all provided by highly respected artists from around the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥2,842 円
評価: 0
<p>Procreate是一款功能?大的?画?件,能???意人士随?把握?感,通???的操作界面和??的功能集合?行?描、填色、??等???作。《iPad Procreate?格?画之美》主要介?Procreate?格?画技法案例,包括扁平化、水彩、彩?、?克?、模玩工?、?漫、机?写??格的?画,内容涵盖?通、照片??、?景写生、人物、?物、?景、故事插画、?漫、模玩、机?造型等,希望能??广大??家?提供一些?感和参考。?外,《iPad Procreate?格?画之美》??送PPT?件、???程、素材、?刷。 《iPad Procreate?格?画之美》?合喜??意?画的?好者,以及从事手?相?工作的广大???和广告、?漫??人?,?可作????院校的相?教材使用。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥9,191 円
評価: 0
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¥5,227 円
評価: 0
BEGINNERS GT DIGITAL PAINTING Beginner's Guide Publishing 3dtotal 3D TOTAL PUB2020 Paperback English ISBN:9781912843145 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Art
¥1,869 円
評価: 0
<p>40萬人大推!數位繪圖初學者一定要看,</p> <p>從Procreate基本操作到好用技巧、依照畫風的上色密技,</p> <p>帶?用一台iPad,畫出「職業繪師級」的動漫人物!</p> <p>插畫家Ahoi厚子、繪師Atha、插畫家AKRU、全職繪師 坊橋夜泊,誠摯推薦!</p> <p>【隨書獨家附贈】:自創筆刷/範例插圖/漫畫製作用的對準標記?案</p> <p>「?曾經嘗試用iPad畫動漫人物??」</p> <p>「總是無法掌握生動又精緻的人物線條??」</p> <p>「?次繪圖都耗費大量時間,畫起來又不自然?」</p> <p>「上色後的感覺好平面,沒有動漫的立體感?」</p> <p>本書是由日本超人氣電繪教學YouTuber「Deep Blizzard」,</p> <p>為新手量身打造的Procreate技巧全書!</p> <p>即使是第一次嘗試、沒有時間學,也能看著書就開始動手畫!</p> <p>?從APP介面操作到便捷技巧,初學者一看就?的電繪流程。</p> <p>?快速繪製草圖、添加漸層與光影等,職業繪師都在用的實用密技。</p> <p>?動畫風塗色、厚塗、漫畫、GtC 塗色……找到最適合自己的上色方式!</p> <p>用最完整的圖解教學,全面傳授簡單、快速的動漫電繪技巧!</p> <p>包含如何畫出好看線稿、添加立體度的塗色、彩色描線等,讓作品更加細緻;</p> <p>以及充分利用梯度映射、筆刷、混色等技巧,大幅節省繪圖時間!</p> <p>讓?從網點到彩色漫畫都輕鬆駕馭!所有動漫電繪新手必備的最佳入門書。</p> <p>本書特色</p> <p>特色1. 沒學過電繪也 OK!8個?驟就上手,最適合入門的數位繪圖課。</p> <p>本書?個?驟都以介面截圖?明,只要跟著?驟看圖學習,就能輕鬆畫出想要的動漫角色。從草稿設計、上色?明到光影漸層,逐?帶?掌握電繪技巧,不管是完全零基礎,還是想提升技術,都能找到適合自己的方法。</p> <p>特色2. 動漫人物輕鬆畫!日本繪師不藏私公開,最好用的省時簡化技巧。</p> <p>只要活用Procreate的方便功能,新手也能在短時間?創作出令人驚艷的動漫人物!作者以淺顯易?的方式,分享如何透過筆刷操作、調色板節省時間,使用「液化工具」、「速創形?」等功能快速調整,此外,還能簡單做到高階的圖層管理與光影處理,輕鬆畫出「職業感」!</p> <p>特色3. 原創筆刷隨書贈!讓完成度輕鬆升級,只送不賣的獨家繪圖素材。</p> <p>本書不僅提供詳細教學,還特別附贈由作者精心設計的原創三款筆刷,?助?輕鬆升級作品細節與質感。搭配書中的範例插圖與繪畫?驟,讓?在學習的同時増添創作樂趣,並展現個人風格。不論是勾勒線條、?染光影,還是増添質感,都能讓?的畫作更加生動出色!</p> <p>專家推薦</p> <p>「本書透過易?的圖解與教學,?助初學者快速上手,實現創作動漫角色的夢想!」──插畫家|Ahoi厚子</p> <p>「這本書清楚解?Procreate的操作與技巧,並分享畫圖技巧,是初學者快速上手、輕鬆入門的最佳選擇!」──全職繪師|坊橋夜泊</p> <p>「想了解怎麼用Procreate畫畫非常推薦!尤其關於介面跟使用技巧,是會想擺在手邊隨時翻照的一本書!」──繪師|Atha</p> <p>讀者推薦</p> <p>「推薦給想用 iPad 和 Procreate 開始繪製動畫風格畫作的朋友!目前市面上的 Procreate 教學書籍相當有限,網路上講得清楚的資訊也很少。在這樣的情況下,如果想要深入了解動漫風格需要的遮罩處理、線稿保護等技巧,這本書會有很大的?助!」ーーLuty</p> <p>「Procreate真的超好用!魔王大人的解?也非常清楚易?!這本書裡有好多省時的方法,讓我更有動力繼續努力創作。」ーーあぷあー</p> <p>「讀了這本書後,繪畫變得更加有趣,練習也更加順暢了。」ーーたんころ</p> <p>「我是Procreate愛好者,一直都有在YouTube上觀看魔王大人的頻道。恭喜出書!影片固然不錯,但書在使用上更方便。這本書不是那種無所不包的技法大全,而是認真在針對如何畫出動漫風格做介紹,對於剛開始用Procreate、或是稍微上手的人來?都非常實用。」ーーファン</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥2,240 円
評価: 0
<p>The iPad is an incredible tool, but how can an artist unlock its exciting and creative potential? This book explains, in simple terms, all the processes and techniques it offers. For the novice, it gives a step-by-step guide to the tools and screen, and introduces concepts progressively as you expand your skills. For those with more experience, it suggests advanced ideas, and provides inspiration to try new techniques and develop your artistic journey. This new book also acts as a guide to the artistic toolbox - using effects such as drawing with pencil, painting in oils, working with watercolour, using felt tip pens and wax crayons - all on your lap without fuss and mess. Clearly graded exercises explain how to make pictures using the ArtRage app and it also covers taking and editing photographs, printing your images on a domestic printer, framing and selling your prints. A practical guide to everything you need to know, in simple terms, to get drawing and painting on the iPad, superbly illustrated with 254 colour images.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。