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<p><strong>Lonely Planet's local travel experts reveal</strong> <em><strong>all</strong></em> <strong>you need to know to plan the trip of a lifetime to Japan.</strong></p> <p>Discover popular and off the beaten track experiences from visiting Yoshino for Japan's most famous cherry-blossom-viewing festival to sipping sake at a 300-year-old brewery in Niigata, and exploring the Unesco-listed streetscapes of Hagi.</p> <p><strong>Build a trip to remember</strong> with <strong>Lonely Planet's</strong> <em><strong>Japan</strong></em> Travel Guide:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Our classic guidebook format</strong> provides you with the most comprehensive level of information for planning <strong>multi-week trips</strong></li> <li><strong>Updated with an all new structure and design</strong> so you can navigate Japan and connect experiences together with ease</li> <li><strong>Create your perfect trip with exciting itineraries</strong> for extended journeys combined with suggested day trips, walking tours, and activities to match your passions</li> <li><strong>Get fresh takes on must-visit sights</strong> including climbing Mt Fuji, visiting Senso-ji, Tokyo's oldest temple, and experiencing the extravagant shrine of Tosho-gu</li> <li><strong>Special features</strong> on onsen etiquette, Japanese food, and the 88 sacred temples pilgrimage</li> <li><strong>Expert local recommendations</strong> on when to go, eating, drinking, nightlife, shopping, accommodation, adventure activities, festivals, and more</li> <li><strong>Essential information toolkit</strong> containing tips on arriving; transport; making the most of your time and money; LGBTIQ+ travel advice; useful words and phrases; accessibility; and responsible travel</li> <li><strong>Connect with Japanese culture through stories</strong> that delve deep into local life, history, and traditions</li> <li><strong>Inspiring full-colour travel photography and maps</strong> including a <strong>pull out map of Tokyo</strong></li> <li><strong>Covers</strong> Tokyo, Mt Fuji & around Tokyo, Central Honshu & the Japan Alps, Kyoto, Kansai, Hiroshima & Western Honshu, Northern Honshu, Sapporo & Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa & the Southwest Islands</li> </ul> <p>Create a trip that's uniquely yours and get to the <em>heart</em> of this extraordinary country with <strong>Lonely Planet's</strong> <em><strong>Japan.</strong></em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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<p> 最完整、最豐富的以色列朝聖導覽書!</p> <p> 以色列美角ー約阿?專研以色列生活、文化、旅遊、美食多年,</p> <p> 為?開?一場交織古今、貼合聖經,廣度與深度兼具的朝聖之旅。</p> <p> 本書知識含量高!透過本書,尚未出發前,?將對以色列有更全面的認識!</p> <p> 基督教徒一生之中都想踏上的聖地!</p> <p> 約阿?以深厚的信仰背景與文史底蘊,細緻解讀遺跡的經典與不朽,</p> <p> 帶?親臨聖經中的以色列,經?新舊約時代的震撼與感動。</p> <p> 一段心靈沐浴、與耶?的對話,就此展開!</p> <p> 除了此生必到的耶路撒冷,哭牆、苦路十四站、聖殿山與聖墓教堂,還有,</p> <p> 世界最低點的死海與曠野、聖經中熟悉的希伯崙與伯利恆、耶?生活最久的加利利,</p> <p> ?個景點都有獨特的?史背景介紹與聖經典故,更有相互呼應的聖經章節。</p> <p> 35座教堂、16座國家公園、11座博物館、11座世界文化遺?、4座自然保護區……</p> <p> 讓這?朝聖之旅以信仰為基礎,滿載文史?涵,並交織大自然的洗禮。</p> <p> 當地重要的節慶與傳承千百年的禮俗,讓?體驗最道地的猶太風情,</p> <p> 無論是鷹嘴豆泥或?肉,還有來自土耳其、喬治亞、中東地區的多國料理,</p> <p> 在以色列用餐或找小吃,也能讓味蕾擁有意外的驚喜。</p> <p> 完整的交通指南與教學,就算沒跟團,一個人朝聖也能輕鬆上路!</p> <p>**本書特色</p> <p> 【深度導覽,帶?看?聖經中的景點】**</p> <p> 外行人看熱鬧,?行人看門道,在約阿?筆下,遺跡不再只是無法領會的場景,景點背後的?史發展和聖經故事,並引經據典地闡述相對印的聖經章節,?張圖片都有精采介紹,?一則圖?都讓人認識以色列更多。走訪聖地,不再走馬看花,而能深入了解?個景點的深厚意涵,?對不?此行。</p> <p>** 【深入以色列節期、猶太文化與基督信仰】**</p> <p> 節期,是以色列極為重視的宗教傳統,許多朝聖者會特別選定一個節期來感受當地過節氣氛。本書規劃「來以色列過節」專題,介紹13個最重要的節慶,帶?認識節日的由來,從食衣住行各面向了解道地的慶祝方式,例如已有千年?史的逾越節,有一連串的禮俗:要大掃除、要除酵因此買不到麥製品、?餐盤上6樣食物所象?意義、要喝4杯酒,及最後的藏餅活動等。</p> <p> 而獨一無二的猶太文化及基督信仰,亦是本書重點,「圖解猶太文化」專題, 讓?從外在穿著、生活環境、成年禮與安息日,體驗傳統猶太人生活。更在整本書的景點延伸中介紹猶太習俗,像是割禮、浸禮、傳統婚禮、金燈台、猶太符號、聖殿等,都讓?入境隨俗。此外,對於基督信仰的考究更為本書亮點,像是介紹基督教派、古代人的家、聖經怎麼來、聖經中的植物、希伯來名字等,無論是嚴肅性的話題,或是生活性的探索,彷彿將紙上的聖經生活真實地呈現在?的面前。</p> <p>** 【教徒必訪不容錯過】**</p> <p> ◎耶路撒冷:這裡是?個教徒心中的「家」,?個景點有著濃厚的宗教氣息,除了在西牆(哭牆)前的?告、行走耶??著十字架經過的苦路十四站外,作者以耶?時代劃分舊城?外,以當地居民視角介紹四大區八大城門,還有隱藏版的西牆、朝聖氛圍濃厚的南牆,與耶?息息相關的最後?餐樓、?鳴教堂、聖墓教堂、?行神蹟的畢士大池和徹夜?告的客西尼園。此外也因著這裡有著猶太區最古老的湖瓦會堂,以及象?著世界中心的磐石清真寺和阿克薩清真寺,讓猶太教、基督教、伊斯蘭教的教徒們皆齊聚於此朝聖。</p> <p> ◎西岸地區:因政治因素而多有以巴衝突的西岸,有著耶?誕生在伯利恆的主誕教堂、伯大尼三?弟之家的拉撒路教堂、耶?向撒瑪利亞婦人要水喝的雅各井、安葬雅各的示劍、雅各夢見天梯的伯特利、耶西路得所埋藏的希伯崙山丘、耶?在受洗前禁食40天的試探山修道院、撒該為了看耶?所爬的樹等,都是在安全時期?得探索的景點。</p> <p> ◎死海與曠野:世界最低點的死海,有藏匿死海古卷洞穴的昆蘭國家公園、最具猶太精神的馬撒大國家公園;而具有豐富地貌的曠野,讓人在安靜的旅程中體驗古城之美,以及在第一任總理本古里安退休後的家和墓園,體會他實現理想以身作則的典範。</p> <p> ◎加利利與戈蘭高地:這裡是耶?一生中待最久的地方,不妨可以到拿撒勒村感受耶?時代的生活、或是到耶?第一次顯神蹟的迦拿婚禮教堂,也可以選擇到加利利的迦百農會堂感受耶?服事的中心、到加利利湖遊船想像看著耶?行走於此的震撼、紀念耶?行神蹟的五餅二魚教堂、八福山教堂;而有好幾個國家公園和自然保護區及以色列唯一一個滑雪場的戈蘭高地,也將是喜愛大自然者的必經之處。</p> <p> ◎地中海沿岸平原:前衛於古老交織的地區,融合先進的特拉維夫雅法、擁有著名巴哈伊花園的海法、整個都被列為UNESCO世界文化遺址的阿?, 沒有濃厚的朝聖味,卻能讓朝聖之旅増添?一股?意的味道。</p> <p>** 【詳盡的交通指南】**</p> <p> 本書對於交通有完整且詳盡的?明,讓?不跟團也不怕!從一下飛機,對於出境、入境,甚至跨境都有流程及注意事提醒;多種運輸工具包括火車、巴士、共乘小巴、計程車、租車自駕、加油停車的介紹,還有大?交通Rav-Kav?與Moovit APP、一日券的購買及充?教學,有圖解還有QR Code影片教學。此外,?個區域都安排交通單元,無論是聯外交通或市區交通都讓?暢行無阻。並貼心繪製15張地圖按圖索驥,即便遇網路訊號不佳,也不影響尋訪的心情,讓?一個人去朝聖也無懼!</p> <p>** 【三種「眉角」處處都驚艷】**</p> <p> 本書共有100個眉角Box,分三種類型,以作者的文化積累和在地經驗為分享,提供更進一?的延伸介紹</p> <p> 1.知識眉角Box:以?史文化為主,如多位希律王介紹、猶太?的起源、飯前後的?告傳統、以色列的少數族群、「奇布茲」農場,彷若是平面的google大神,讓?讀者對於以色列的認識更増添學術性。</p> <p> 2.旅遊眉角Box:推薦當地特有的遊玩方式,像是吉普車之旅、燈光秀、無敵夜景、日出和?道行程,讓讀者擁有多種體驗以色列的選擇;或是為旅途中遇到疑難雜症提供解決之道,如出入境時移民官會問的問題、?時間的搭車??、購票教學、遇到安息日的租還車等,讓旅程順暢更加分。</p> <p> 3.省錢眉角Box:顧名思義就是推薦省荷包??,像是套票、年票、一日票的推薦,該殺價或與對方先議價的提醒,讓小資族也可一圓朝聖之夢。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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<p>mergulhe em uma jornada inspiradora de autoconhecimento, empoderamento e supera??o. Este ebook ? um guia compassivo e pr?tico para aqueles que enfrentam os desafios da imigra??o. Com uma abordagem hol?stica, exploramos n?o apenas os aspectos pr?ticos da mudan?a de pa?s, mas tamb?m os desafios emocionais e psicol?gicos que acompanham essa jornada. Descubra estrat?gias eficazes para cultivar resili?ncia, encontrar estabilidade emocional e construir uma nova identidade em um ambiente culturalmente diferente. Explore hist?rias de imigrantes reais que encontraram for?a em meio ? adversidade e descubra como voc? tamb?m pode prosperar em sua nova casa. Com insights pr?ticos, exerc?cios de reflex?o e dicas ?teis, Ra?zes e Asas oferece orienta??o para lidar com a solid?o, enfrentar o choque cultural, construir uma rede de apoio e transformar desafios em oportunidades de crescimento pessoal. Se voc? est? embarcando em uma nova jornada de imigra??o ou buscando se reconectar com suas ra?zes enquanto constr?i asas para o futuro</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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<p>Entdecken Sie die fesselnden Geschichten hinter den gr??ten Momenten des Motorsports! Dieses Buch nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise durch die Welt der Geschwindigkeit, Innovation und des unb?ndigen Nervenkitzels, die den Motorsport zu einem globalen Ph?nomen gemacht haben. Ob technologische Durchbr?che, atemberaubende Rennen oder die mutigen Fahrer, die sich immer wieder in Gefahr begaben ? hier finden Sie die besten Geschichten auf vier R?dern. Was Sie in diesem Buch erwartet: ?Gruppe B Rallye ? Die gef?hrlichste ?ra im Motorsport: Erleben Sie die brutale Geschwindigkeit und die legend?ren Fahrzeuge dieser waghalsigen Zeit, als Technik und Mensch an ihre Grenzen stie?en. ?Midnight Club ? Illegale Stra?enrennen in Japan: Tauchen Sie in die mysteri?se Welt der legend?ren Stra?engang ein, die auf Tokios Autobahnen Geschwindigkeitsrekorde aufstellte. ?Mercedes-Benz 190 ? Der Baby-Benz, der die Marke revolutionierte: Entdecken Sie, wie ein Auto nicht nur den deutschen Autohersteller ver?nderte, sondern auch die Welt des Motorsports beeinflusste. ?Turbinen in Sportwagen ? Der gescheiterte Traum der Ingenieure: Lesen Sie ?ber die ambitionierten Versuche, Gasturbinen in Rennwagen zu integrieren und warum diese Technik letztlich scheiterte. Dieses Buch richtet sich an: ?Motorsport-Enthusiasten, die die technischen und historischen Meilensteine des Rennsports entdecken m?chten ?Leser, die fesselnde und wahre Geschichten voller Adrenalin und Innovation lieben ?Fans von Automobilgeschichte und Ingenieurskunst, die die Entwicklung des Motorsports verstehen wollen Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, die spannendsten und gef?hrlichsten Geschichten des Motorsports zu entdecken ? ein Muss f?r alle Liebhaber der Geschwindigkeit und Technik!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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<p>In a fast-moving world, what happens when you pause, step outside your comfort zone, and let the journey guide you? <em>"Journey to Five Cities: Endless Lessons from the World"</em> follows Ethan, a traveler seeking meaning and purpose. Across five iconic cities, he discovers lessons in resilience, mindfulness, connection, renewal, and creativity. Through the mist of <strong>San Francisco</strong>, the artistic streets of <strong>Florence</strong>, the serene temples of <strong>Kyoto</strong>, the vibrant markets of <strong>Marrakech</strong>, and the raw beauty of <strong>Reykjavik</strong>, Ethan learns that travel is a path to self-discovery, where the journey outward mirrors the journey within.</p> <p>Ethan's story begins in <strong>San Francisco</strong>, a city of rolling fog, the Golden Gate Bridge, and endless reinvention. Exploring landmarks like Alcatraz Island and Fisherman's Wharf, Ethan realizes that the city's true essence lies in its stories of resilience and hope. It teaches him that new beginnings are always possible.</p> <p>From there, Ethan ventures to <strong>Florence</strong>, Italy, a living testament to the Renaissance. Walking through the Piazza della Signoria and marveling at Michelangelo's David, he learns that creativity extends beyond artーit's a way of shaping life. Florence's history of rising from ruin inspires Ethan to see challenges as opportunities for transformation.</p> <p>In <strong>Kyoto</strong>, Japan, Ethan slows down to embrace mindfulness. Amid Zen gardens, bamboo groves, and ancient temples like the Golden Pavilion, he discovers that stillness and balance create peace. The city reminds him that calm isn't the absence of chaos but the presence of inner harmony.</p> <p>Next, Ethan experiences the sensory explosion of <strong>Marrakech</strong>, Morocco. The bustling Jemaa el-Fnaa square and vibrant souks filled with textiles and spices captivate him, but it's the warmth of human connection that leaves a lasting impression. Ethan learns that life is richer when shared, whether through a stranger's kindness or the stories of artisans.</p> <p>Finally, in <strong>Reykjavik</strong>, Iceland, Ethan confronts the extremes of nature. Surrounded by glaciers, volcanoes, and the Northern Lights, he learns that resilience comes from weathering life's storms. Standing before Gullfoss Waterfall and beneath the dancing auroras, Ethan feels awe for the world's power and beauty, understanding that challenges shape us into something greater.</p> <p>Through these five cities, Ethan transforms, realizing that the greatest lessons lie in the stories, traditions, and landscapes of the world. His journey is an inspiring reminder that travel is not just about places but about the growth it inspires within.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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<p>Bogen d?kker Edinburgh og Sydlige Skotland, Glasgow og Centrale Skotland, H?jlandet, Indre Hebrider samt Orkney?erne.<br /> Vi giver indblik i dagligdagen i Skotland og forklarer politiske og kulturelle problemstillinger. En r?kke artikler g?r bag om kunst og kultur, mad og drikke, historie, natur og geografi. Desuden er bogen rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.<br /> TUREN G?R TIL har eksisteret siden 1952 og er blandt verdens hyppigst opdaterede rejsebogsserier. Serien d?kker hele verden fra Nordatlanten til Australien. B?gerne skrives p? dansk af forfattere og journalister med et s?rligt indg?ende kendskab til de enkelte destinationer. Med n?je udvalgte attraktioner, herunder spisesteder, viser vi vej til de st?rste oplevelser.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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<p>Oplev Marokko med TUREN G?R TIL<br /> Tag p? eventyr i Marrakesh’ sprudlende basar, slap af p? Agadirs kilometerlange sandstrande, kravl op over Atlasbjergene p? ?selryg, skyl st?vet af kroppen i en l?kker hammam, og g? om bord i Nordafrikas krydderiduftende k?kken.<br /> Bogen d?kker Marrakesh, Atlasbjergene, Agadir og Essaouira, ?rkenen og oaserne i syd, Rabat og Casablanca, Kongebyerne F?s og M?knes samt Tanger og Rifbjergene.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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<p>早年在電器界服務了近三十年,有好幾次被電得差點?曲變形兼面目全非,因此在退休後,也是興趣的關係?,便轉為投入解?行列,目前是恆春半島和阿?壹的解?員之一。<br /> 在恆春半島,我解?的項目是鮮為人知的私房景點與故事,以及夜?的星空(如何找星座與解?星座故事)。到目前為止,走阿?壹已超過千餘次,?次都會注意一些較獨特的地景或生態,並在解?中特別提出,讓遊客在體驗古道之餘,能増添許多額外的樂趣,更為了讓所有的遊客都能深度體驗阿?壹的特色,不敢藏私,願將我所發現的東西全部公開,與?人共享,希望大家在走阿?壹時,除健身外,還有其他超?的收穫。<br /> 本書在介紹古道的生態或景觀時,?不用學術性的教科方式來做論述,會把讀者當成一般遊客,像在帶團一樣,用解?與互動的方式,將全程分十五段來帶領大家去深入體驗,?一段都具有它獨特的生態與景觀,本書會一一詳加介紹。為加強效果,在敘述上,會把實際發生以及自己?構的故事,適時加入解?中,増添趣味性,讓讀者加深印象,進而激發全員對古道的愛護與保護之心,這是我最大的期望。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥1,619 円
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<p>British commercial vehicle manufacturers played a key role in bolstering Britain's economy throughout the 1950s, especially during the period of postwar austerity, a time when they contributed to the all-important export drive. British lorries were, therefore, seen as the workhorses of the world and performed a wide range of tasks from goods delivery to heavy haulage. This highly visual study of British lorries of the 1950s captures, in 120 illustrations, the vital but often understated duties that were reliably conducted 365 days a year. The images, contemporary black and white as well as colour, include evocative publicity material in addition to pictures from the preservation and heritage scene. The comprehensive text reveals much about the marques that were household names, along with information about Britain's road haulage and commercial motor industries.<br /> Malcolm Bobbitt, member of the Society of Automotive Historians and the Guild of Motoring Writers, is the author of some thirty books. In this instance he has combined a collection of fascinating images with informative text to provide a nostalgic and unique insight into British lorries of the 1950s.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
¥2,836 円
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<p>In deciding which models to choose for inclusion in this book selected from Fiat's huge inventory, the author concentrated on three criteria - greatness, size and emotion. Where size is an easy parameter to qualify, greatness is more complicated because it is a combination of of both the manufacturer's and the public's opinion. A car that is highly regarded by the public may not have been a commercial success and vice verse. A truly great car is one that works well for both parties. Emotion may be considered to be an element of greatness in that the public's 'love' for a car is a fantastic benefit for a manufacturer and must be treasured. Fiat have made the mistake of 'improving' an icon on several occasions only to find that public opinion went against them. Fortunately Fiat has been magnanimous enough to respond by giving the car buying public more of what it wants. As long as they continue to do so then Fiat's reputation as the world's greatest small car manufacturer is set to continue.</p> <p>The author chose the Topolino as the starting point as the car fulfils all the criteria and it was the first Fiat built in the late 1930s to satisfy the Italian public's new-found desire for mobilisation. The old conventions of car production were turned upside down with the arrival of the 600 which revolutionised car production techniques and maximised on passenger space and performance at minimal cost. These principals continued via a succession of models which include the 500, 850, 126, 127 through to more recent models like the Cinquecento and Seicento.</p> <p>Running in parallel with these 'cheeky' Fiats, this book covers a range of slightly larger cars that were built in huge numbers. Though rather staid in appearance, the 1950s Millecento was family transport for millions of Italians covering three decades, four when the Indian-built cars are included. Similarly the 128, Panda and Uno were 'the' Italian small cars of the '70s, '80s and '90s. Nuova Panda carries the banner to the present day.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。